QE: 20

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Everybody awoke on the ground in Elizabeth's room. The room was silent and everybody stood up and took a good look. "We're out, right?" Diane asked, looking at Merlin.

Merlin nodded and everybody looked at Elizabeth, who was breathing normally. She wasn't breathing heavily, she didn't have an expression of pain, she looked peaceful. 

Everybody sighed in relief, Merlin looked at Elizabeth's rashes, they were gone. "She's cured." Merlin finally stated and everybody smiled softly. 

"Some experience~" Ban chuckled, everybody agreed with a chuckle too. "How long has it been?" King asked.

"Three days." Merlin answered plainly, everybody gave her a surprised look. "Three days!?" Diane asked, Merlin nodded. "Time here, and there, are totally different." Merlin said pointing at Elizabeth.

"Oh." Diane nodded, understanding. "We should let her rest, she must be exhausted. We also need to check on the kingdom in her stead." Merlin reminded, everybody nodded and started to leave.

"Meliodas, you coming?" Ban asked, Meliodas, who was quiet the whole time, was staring at Elizabeth. 

"Why do we have to take care of the kingdom? As the shadow said, they're not loyal. Not like us." Meliodas said, eyes not away from the queen.

Everybody stopped and looked at Meliodas, then their heads went to Ban. They gave him a look and they nodded at each other. They lined up at the foot of the bed. Ban rolled up his sleeves, not that Meliodas saw it, but Ban did.

Ban then snapped his fingers to get Meliodas' attention, It didn't work. Meliodas' gaze was still at the queen.

"She's not gonna disappear." Ban said in a calm voice, even though with his rolled up sleeves, he looked like he was going to beat the lights out of Meliodas. 

With that statement, Meliodas' head turned to Ban and to everyone else. He hadn't noticed that they were lined up.

"I'm gonna give it to you straight, all right?" Ban gave a little warning. A warning of real talk coming from the immortal man. 

"Meliodas, we're all different. Loyal or not." Ban stated, then he looked at Merlin. "Being loyal means to be true." Diane decided to continue, "It is to be faithful." 

"If you think that the kingdom might not be loyal to their queen and are just using her to live in peace, you're wrong." Ban said with a stern voice, "Meliodas, we've lived long enough to see that." 

"All of the people in this Kingdom are true to their queen, I've witnessed." King said, sharing an experience. 

"Everyone is faithful to their queen, they trust her. They trust us." Ban emphasized on the word 'us', for everyone in the room. 

"They are loyal to their queen, and their Kingdom. If they weren't, they could've just left." Ban chuckled at his statement, where he got a small chuckle from Meliodas.

"and since they trust us, why won't we trust them? Something a shadow told you shouldn't change your mind since you've seen it with your own eyes." 

"Look, we're loyal to Elizabeth, and so are they. They have shown their loyalty to us and the queen for decades, Meliodas." Every word that Ban said was completely true. It made everyone in the room realize that their Kingdom was something else. 

Their Kingdom had a Goddess for a queen, A demon as a Royal Adviser, An Immortal for a cook, a special sorceress and A giantess and a fairy as their protection unit. But they were more than that, they were more that just the Kingdom's staff, they were a family. 

They had come to realize that they had made a difference in all the Kingdoms, the people in it are different too. They weren't like normal Kingdoms, and they liked it that way. 

They had also realized that if anyone annoyed Ban, he would not hesitate to give you a long talk that will make you rethink your life all over again.

"Thank you, everyone. Most especially Ban, you really know how to use your words." Meliodas complimented, Ban chuckled. "C'mon, let's go check on the Kingdom." 

Everyone did, They all went to the town and took care of it like they always wood. These were the rare moment that Merlin would be out and about from the castle, he fairly enjoyed it. It felt nice for her, as for the others, they went communicating with the other people, making sure that no one would be worried about them or the queen.

Merlin glanced at Meliodas, he was smiling,, he was loving his job, but of course, he needed someone, and Merlin could see that. 

"Strong demon he is." Merlin chuckled, acknowledging Meliodas' strength of doing his work even through the pain of having no one and seeing his lived ones die in front of him. 

"I guess it is time for him." Merlin looked at the sky, smiling. 

"Hey Merlin! We're all done here, we're going back!" Diane called, Merlin looked at her, "Coming." 

On the way back, everything was silent, until Ban broke the ever so calming silence. "So, Meliodas." 

"Hm?~" Meliodas hummed. Ban smirked and everybody knew exactly why he was doing so. Everybody smirked along with the man.

"How was the kiss?" Ban asked, Meliodas stopped in his tracks, he could feel his face heat up by the second. 

"How did you even see that?" Meliodas managed to say, "The door disappeared but we couldn't go through, well at our side. We saw it happen." Ban gave him a teasing look, Meliodas just looked away.

Everybody just laughed at Meliodas, who for the first time, was flustered because of his friends and for something he had done. 

When everyone was back at the castle, the sun started to go down, everybody went to their rooms to freshen up for dinner. When they were done, everyone decided to check on the princess. 

Everybody lined up in front of the Queen's doors. Meliodas held both knobs and slowly opened them. 

The bed in the middle of the room was empty, all of them immediately looked around for Elizabeth. 

"Is it dinner time already?"


Life lesson: Be loyal.

Also, I love it when I make Ban talk sense into stuff :3

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