Sherlock's Costumes: The Hat-Trick Murders

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Sherlock's Costumes: The Hat-Trick Murders


Sherlock was stood in the middle of the living room, a pair of blue washed jeans on, white trainers and a baggy MUFC top on. His brand new trainers are done up tightly, the bow on the laces a little lopsided. The top hangs off his slim frame, the sleeves nearly reaching his elbows and the hem of the top covering his whole crutch. His worn jeans are a little tight fitting, but still loose enough for him to fit in at a pub without any odd looks. He's left his hair as usual, washed and towel dried, no styling to it, he'd simple pushed his curls to the side.

He smiles as John enters the room, back from shopping (and another argument with the machine, Sherlock notes)

"Hello John" He waves. "Excited for today's game?"

John pauses, coming to a stop in the doorway. The bags he's carrying swing in his grip due to the abrupt stop. He takes in the detectives appearance, his eyebrows slowly raising. Sherlock could almost see his mind working through possibilities.

John finds the ability to move again and makes his way into the kitchen, questioning Sherlock as he does "This is a joke, right? Or for the case?"

Sherlock nods, following John and peeking into the bags as John settles them on the kitchen table "The case"

"Right..." John trails off, still starring at Sherlock in disbelief. In the current case they were on the murders took place at a football match, but he had no idea why Sherlock was dressed as he was. John then starts to unpack the shopping.

He gives Sherlock a look, as if to say he should be helping. Sherlock looks at him blankly, seeming unable to understand that John actually believes his flatmate expects him to do normal everyday things like putting away the shopping. John rolls his eyes, continuing to unpack the items while Sherlock stands there and watches.

Sherlock tugs on the top a bit, glancing down in distaste at how baggy and loose fitting it was. He prefers his tight tops. They make him feel more comfortable, plus they're more practical. He doesn't need to worry about the fabric getting catch on anything, and he looks smart and approachable.

Sherlock gives a small grunt, showing his distaste. John glances at him from his spot by the fridge. He finishes sliding the milk in place before he shuts the fridge and turns to Sherlock.

"Why does a case require you to become a Man U fan?" John asks, his eyes on the top.

Sherlock could tell John was neither a fan nor a hater of the football club. That was good.

"Because.." Sherlock pulls a Liverpool top from behind him and seemingly no where, presenting it to John "We're going to start a football brawl"

John's eyes widen and he starts to shake his head "No.. No way! Are you crazy? No! You must have seem the papers, some of those fights are horrid. People die"

"Exactly" Sherlock grins, thinking John was following.

"You're trying to get someone killed?!" John watches his unpredictable friend carefully, knowing he should trust him but even so he has to check his sanity.

Sherlock rolls his eyes, more at himself for assuming John was keeping up then at John for not keeping up.

"No, John, as I ever I am trying to find a killer and potentially save lives"

John frowns before sighing. "Sherlock, explain, because I don't follow. Why are we starting a fight between two teams who have a bit of rivalry already?"

Sherlock's lips twitch into a brief smile, John had already made the subconscious decision to help.

"Someone had been using football brawls as a way of murdering young fans, the five victims are all the same age and have a similar appearance making it clear that these young men are being singled out by a group of people or a person" Sherlock pauses, checking John was following.

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