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This is a story about a boy named Lucius, a boy who thinks that he is just like any other kid in town, well that all changed when he woke up one morning.

"Lucius! Breakfast is ready!" yelled his aunt Porsha.

"Ughh, I'm still sleepy!" he answered back.

                     "Don't make me go up there young man!" his aunt yelled again. "Yes I'm coming! Ughh, why does she need to shout?" he said as he inhaled the fresh morning air.

"Hurry! You're gonna be late for school!" he raced down the stairs to let his aunt know that he is up. "Sheeesh, you don't need to shout you know."

he said to his aunt,

"Well if I didn't shout so loud you woudn't get up? Now woudn't you?" his aunt answered back to him, "Now eat up, you're gonna be late and i gotta do the laundry."

He didn't answer back because he knew she was right, so he ate his food silently,

when he was just about to finish he saw a man at the window staring at him from across the street, he could tell that this man was different.

He could feel the man's aura, it was dark and lonely it was if the man wanted company.

When a bus passed by the man vanished, he cleared his thoughts and went to his room to change. It was already 8:35 and he was 15 minutes late for homeroom.

He raced down the street and then rode a bus to school, unfortunately when he entered the bus he saw his school bully who was seating at the far back.

He tried to ignore him but it was already to late, "Hey Lucius!" the bully shouted, "What now Carlos?" Lucius answered back.

Lucius knew answering back was a bad idea but he couldn't think of what else to do, "Are you shouting at me?" said Carlos, "No I was asking you." Lucius said sarcastically.

"What makes you think you can talk back to me like that huh?" Carlos said angrily.

Lucius didn't know what to do, he was scared, he had no back-up, no friends, no one he could rely on.

"Alright you two knock it off or I'll be draggin you out of the bus myself!" the bus driver said finally. "We're here at Putnik High, you two going or what?" said the driver.

As soon as the driver said that, Lucius got off the bus and ran to his room, as he was about to enter his classroom his teacher called to him. "Well hello, Mr.Lucius Provinci." his teacher said to him.

He was shocked no one knows his last name, he never told anyone his full name. "You are twenty five minutes late." said his teacher "But I suppose you already know that. Go and find a seat, this counts as a warning for you.".

He found a seat at the back and went through his stuff. But when he looked back to listen to the discussion everyone was gone, all nothing but a cup of coffee in the teacher's table.

"Umm, is this a prank?" said Lucius "No Mr. Provinci, this is no prank nor a joke." said another voice "Huh!? Who are you? Show yourself!" he yelled.

"Hahahaha, Perhaps your request is impossible Mr.Provinci because I am just a voice, an illusion, a Deceiver." said the voice "What's your point?" he said.

"I'm saying that all of this, your life, your aunt, this school, is nothing but an illusion." the voice said.

Lucius got nervous because the walls of the school was starting to crack, he thought it was just a small earthquake.

Then the whole school dissolved to nothing, he was sitting in a bedrock and everything around him was just grass and mud. The voice was gone,

but still something was troubling him, What had happend to Carlos? Why did the bus driver drop him off to a field of grass? Has his whole life been a big lie? He needed answers, he went back home to his aunt to seek answers.

He ran and he ran, but there wasn't a single thing but plain grass and bed of rocks, he ran farther until realized that he ran two or three blocks now, maybe five but he lost count already. He was starting to cry, he was starting to believe the deceiver.

Then a small hovering ball of light shined in the horizon, he followed it as fast as he could and then after a few more blocks, he saw a house.

It took him a few more seconds to realize that it was his aunt's house. He rushed quickly to the front of the house, he didn't knock which his aunt always reminded him to do even if it was their own house.

He searched the whole house, the kitchen, the living room, and even the bathroom. Finally he found her aunt at the basement doing the laundry. "Hello Lucius, is there a problem at school?" His aunt asked, "Yes, something happened in fact something big happened, and I want answers to my questions." He replied. His aunt continued to do the laundry,

"Well that depends on your question, well what is your question?" His aunt was now finished on the laundry and is now focusing on him.

"Well first of all do you know about this Deceiver guy? What does he want with me? I want the truth okay?" He said to his aunt.

His aunt can read his face, full of concern and worry just as always. "Well you want the truth? Okay, you are not just any kind of boy, you're special, you have a gift of magic, you have the power to conjure and craft incantations.

This Deceiver guy you are talking about is the most villainous rugrat the world of Powercraft has ever known. Now does that answer all of your questions?".

For a moment Lucius was silent, he didn't realize that he had powers, he was just a kid sitting at the backseat.

He wondered what else was there for him to discover? After a few more minutes of silence, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" yelled his aunt.

"Good day! Ms. Provinci, it is I, the principal of Rokeshire, I have come here for Mr. Lucius Provinci." the principal answered back.

"It's ok, it's just the principal of your new school" said Porsha, "My new school? Since when did I got transfered to another school?" Lucius said.

"Ever since you found out that your old school wasn't real." said his aunt, "Now quiet down while I talk to the principal."

"Can I offer you a drink Mr. uhmm?" asked Porsha. "Ahh, you may call me Mr. Skivinsky, yes a cup of lemonade will do." said Mr. Skivinsky.

"Why don't you talk to Lucius regarding his new school? Go ahead explain some things to him while I get your drink." said Porsha, "Okay, I will. Please hurry back." the principal said worrily.

What was aunt Porsha thinking? Lucius wasn't sure if this man truly is the principal of his new school or just another illusion of the Deceiver? Lucius wasn't excited about his new school either. What was it like?

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