I found out many things

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"Hello Mr. Provinci, as your aunt had told you I am your new principal." said Mr. Skivinsky.

"I know and you need not to inform me about my new school I am not gonna go to your school anyway." he replied.

"Well I do need to inform you because it's for your protection." Mr. Skivinsky said with a tone.

"Protection from what? You know you could explain what is going on instead of telling me about the school."

"Ok, I'll tell you what's going on. There are many dimensions and worlds, not only Earth. From where you and I come from is a place full of mysterious and powerful magic, I am a principal of a school that teaches new enchanters and enchantresses how to control and develop their powers." said Mr. Skivinsky.

"So, you're saying that I'm not from Earth? Instead I came from a world named Powercraft?" Lucius said.

"Yes, your parents graduated at my school you know." Mr.Skivinsky said.

Parents. Lucius never knew his parents, since he was born all he could rememer taking care of him was his aunt.

"But I already told you, I don't know my powers and I wont have any." Lucius was starting to get irritated, this was all too much for him to take in.

"That's why I'm here Mr. Provinci. To discover your hidden talents."

Suddenly, Lucius realized something was wrong his aunt was gone for about 15 minutes now, the wind stopped blewing, the clock's hands suddenly stopped, It doesn't take you that long to make a cup of coffee. Lastly he saw the most wierdest thing yet, he saw a bee froze in mid-air. Then it came to him---I'm under a spell.

"Very good Mr. Provinci you noticed that I was using a spell. Not bad for a new enchanter." said Mr. Skivinsky.

"Where's my aunt?" he said worrily.

"Right here, Lucius. What's wrong?" his aunt said while holding a cup of coffe in her arm.

he didn't notice that the spell was broken. But he was glad his aunt was okay.

"What did you do to me?" he switched bak to Mr. Skivinsky"Aunt Porsha, he casted a spell on me!" Lucius said angrily.

 "It was not a dangerous spell Lucius, But I am still sorry for not infrorming you about it." Mr. Skivinsky apologized.

"There is no need to apologize Mr. Skivinsky, I figured you would use that spell anyways. By the way Lucius there is nothing for you to worry about. This man means you no harm, oh and lastly I want you to know something before you leave. I didn't realize it up until now."

"What is it aunt Porsha?? Lucius asked.

"This man is your great grandfather, his full name is Skivinsky Crotonius Provinci III." aunt Porsha said.

His aunt finally showed him a picture of his dad. "I saved this picture just in case you wanted to find out about your dad." At first, Lucius wouldn't beleive it, but when he focused more on the picture and his grandfather. Then he found it the ressemblance between their eyes. They both had grey eyes, powerful and dominant. He switched back to another topic that bothered him.

"Okay, so what are you talking about me leaving?" Lucius asked.

"I'm talking about you going to your grandafather's school. You'll have to stay on a dorm there, but don't worry every vacation you can come back here just like any other school year." aunt Porsha said

"Lucius, you have until midnight to pack your things and ready yourself." Grandpa said "We wouldn't want to miss the portal."

Lucius went to his room, he lay down on his bed and stared blankly on the ceiling. He was feeling excited instead of being nervous. He packed his stuff, changed to his casual wear and went down the stairs.

"Uhhmm, aunt Porsha?" his aunt was sitting at the sofa alone. "Yes, dear? Are you finished preparing yourself?" she was shedding tears. "Your Grandfather is waiting for you outside." Lucius kissed his aunt and said farewell.

"Thanks aunt Porsha." Lucius said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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