Chapter 1

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Hey okay so this is my story i own no one besides Trauma and her foster family. Trauma on the side>


Trauma's Pov

"Trauma! Traumatize! Traumatizer! Hey! Get up! We're going to be late to school!" Yelled a very familiar yet welcoming voice. 

"Than lets stay home!" I groaned, putting my pillows over my head. 

"Did you know people that sleep with more than one pillow are proven to be more lonely?" I took the pillow off my face staring at it.

"You love me, Pillow, don't you?" Jace just laughed taking the pillow and hitting me with it. 

"Get up and get ready!" I watched as he left my room. I got up going to my dresser pulling out a long sleeved black shirt, black skinny jeans, Black hightop converse and some white leather clip on bracelets. I grabbed my black bag, running down the stairs. I grabbed some bacon off the stove and some poptarts running out the door to Jace's car. I hopped in the front seat.

"Lets go to school!"

20 minutes later of blasting Bring Me The Horizon.

We got to school hopping out of the car. The bell rang, we all ran to our classroms just making it.

"Ah Miss Legacy, late as usual" Announced my History teacher, Mr. Spencers, I've always hated him. I sat down next to my friend Nina. 

"Okay class without any more interuptions turn your text book to page 345 and star reading until page 350." While everyone was paying attention to what he was saying i stared out the window just watching this little blue thing floating it kinda looked like a sperm. It was just floating there for like ten minutes, its so weird.

"Excuse me for a second Mr. Asshole." I grabbed my bag jumping out of my seat running out the classroom, i decided to see what it was. I ran down the hallway out the school doors. I watched as it started flowing into the forest we have next to the school for some odd reason. I followed it, it kept moving away as i went near it. finally it stopped at this tree and went down this giant hole in the ground. I ran next to the tree peering over the hole.

My hand slipped causing my to fall into it, I screamed as i fell deeper into the earth. What the hell is going on?! I thought i was going to hit rock bottom but i fell into something big. I thought it was the end but nope I fell even more, I opened my eyes what the hell? I was falling out of a motherfucking sky! Thinking I was going to fall onto a building I waited for the pain but the top of it opend up and i fell into a room, thknking again that i was going to experience pain i closed my eyes bracing for impact. But it didnt happen again, I fell into something big. I looked up staring at a guy whose face was a skull. 

"Dude what the hell is wrong with your face?" I asked, he just stared at me. I waved my hand in front of his face, "Dude you're freaking me out! Hello?"

"Reaper chop!" He yelled and chopped me on my head. Ouch that hurt like a bitch.

"Dude!" I grabbed my bag and started hitting him with it, "HOW (SMACK!) WOULD (SMACK!) YOU (SMACK!) LIKE (SMACK) IT (SMACK) IF (SMACK) SOMEONE (SMACK) CHOPPED (SMACK) YOU (SMACK) ON (SMACK) THE (SMACK) HEAD (SMACK!)" I went to hit him with the bag again but was stopped. 

"Calm down that won't be necissary anymore" 

"Dude I was just lead down into a hole but some sperm looking thing! Why would I be calm!" I turned around to find a guy with a lab coat and grey hair. 

"I get you want to kill him but I don't think you should kill the Lord of Death." I laughed like a mad man.

"Lord of Death thats a good one." 

"He's not lying you know," I looked behing the dude to see a dude with black hair and three white stripes approaching.

I stared at him, "And you are?"

"I am Lord Death's son -"

"Let me guess, Death The Kid blah blah blah."

"Actually yes I am, welcome to the Death Weapon Meister Academy. Also known as the DWMA, you will be attending here for now on and may I ask; Are you a Weapon or a Meister?" Asked the Kid

"Umm I'm sorry but I ony speak American and Spanish not fucking Japenese!" I exclaimed, the weird kull guy, Lord Death, got up.

"You know you really pack quite a punch. Especially with this bag, what do you have in here?" He started going through my bag, he pulled out my phone with my earphones.

"Hey my phone!" I grabbed it out of his grip, my phone started ringing.

'Welcome to your life when we got you in our sights,
And thoughts of god are better left alone'

Must be Jace. I answered it. 

"Yo yo yiggity yo!"

"Trauma! Where are you!" 

"I'm at a place i dont know I fell down a hole and-" Someone took my phone, a girl with short blonde hair, "Hey! give it back!"

"What is it?" 

"Patti let me see it." A guy with blue hair that was spiked in different places grabbed my phone puting it to his ear. "Oh my god he's stuck in it!" 

"Black*Star! Give it back! I am so sorry." I grabbed my phone from the extended hand. 

"Thank god you got me back, now where are you! A kidnapper wouldn't let you take you bag and stuff!"

Where AM I at?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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