A Flashback: In Which Sherrinford Cannot Swim

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Mission 43, Earth

Water splashed in every direction. Buildings were flooded and people were drowning. Sherrinford kept screaming; "I don't know how to swim!"

"Just use the floaties- like I showed you." Wattington spoke absentmindedly as he worked on his giant vacuum. Putting the last giant titanium screw in place, he beamed at his work. Knowing that the seamonster Moriatus had released into Earth's oceans, Enui, could not survive without water, Watsy had built a giant water vacuum to remove all water from the surface of the planet.

With a press of a button, Wattington drained Earth and Enui shriveled up into a shape similar to a potato chip. Once he had retrieved the beast and disposed of the remains, he refilled Earth's oceans and Sherrinford accepted praise from the humans of Earth while Watsy waited in the Rover.

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