her dream or nightmare " Extra "

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"As i drift into a dream I hear People calling my name, I try to ignore them until i heard Kate's voice "Rose wake up, hey Rose", i open my eyes and see her and the rest of the class except for one "Harry" i get up and ask where am i? they all laugh and said what are you talking about, Rose? your at school duh.i froze at my name and asked what did you call me? Kate smiled and said well your name of course, you ok? I jump up and start to think what is going on why are they calling me Rose and not Jemmy?! I look around the room searching for Harry, I freeze and asked what happened Kate? she look at me and said i passed out in class and started saying Harry over and over again, i don't know why though you hate one direction. i yell No i don't hate him! Every one froze and Kate looked at me shocked and said him? then the teacher ran in and entered the room with the School Nurse. after she was done checking me for a concussion i hear her say something that wasn't right " her Brown eyes aren't disoriented so she should be okay" i jumped up and said Brown?!

after class i grabbed my IPhone and flipped the camera screen, true enough i had brown eye's! Kate and Titana walk over both looking worried, i ask what? Kate said you like a guy from one direction, you used to hate them. I look at them and said with a bit of attitude Listen here i didn't know about them till three days ago, and really you don't know a thing about me! they both gasp at my response as i though hmmm maybe this is a dream were i can tell them to shut up? cool. as i get up i see heather enter the room and everyone ignored her! holy cow! 

  i look at Kate and Titana thinking there both gonna gossip with her asap" about me probably so she can pick on me", and they walked off! what the heck is going on here! i walk towards her and asked ok so what did you do to get them so mad at you? she looked up and she had green eyes! she said what are you talking about? i said oh my god Heather whats with your eyes! she look shocked and said you called me Heather and not Jemmy!

 Once i saw that i freaked out and thought no this can't be happening! Kate ran over and said Hey Rose whats wrong you ok?as i started to wobble. i ignore her and said why cant i wake up!? she look at Heather and yelled Jemmy what did you do! Heather said i did nothing! as i try to wake up my vision blurs to where i can only see shapes and figures, the teacher came in with a person, i think it was a boy.as i fell the boy figure ran over saying hey what's wrong you okay?! i passed out thinking was that harry?

i wake up in a white room it kinda looks like a infirmary, why would i be here i fell asleep in my room? i hear a door open and think someone's coming please be harry! and just as i wished he enters i felt my face slowly turning into a smile, i said harry thank god i thought i would never wake up to see your face again. he froze and said umm i came to see if you were ok miss, when you fell did you oh i don't know hit your head or neck? i froze and said miss? why didn't you call me Rose Harry? he said well um Rose, i didn't know your name yet. i look down and thought "crap why didn't i wake up!" i said oh i forgot your new to the school heh heh ugh, he said i'll go get the teacher to call your parents okay. i try to grab his shirt to tell him to wait but i missed and flew off the bed, as soon as my face hit the ground " witch is tile, the worst kind of flooring to fall on!" he turned around to see me face planted into the ground he went all doctor harry on me, Are you okay what happened!? i look up and said this cant be a dream that hurt to much! he got up and grabbed the phone on the wall and called 911, and said hello, yes i have a emergency a girl in my school passed out and then started talking about all this being a dream? i think when she fell she got a concussion. i thought great now I'm going to have to run away from him ugh i hate this dream so far! i jump up and ran out the door as harry yelled Wait! Rose! i ran through the empty halls as fast as i could, as i exit through the back door i hear sirens going off! i run into the woody area behind the school to escape hoping i would wake up! and as i ran i heard a faint voice saying " Rose, Rose honey you gotta wake up your going to be late, your friend is waiting for you"I yell what, what friend who are you! i slip on the rocky-muddy slope and yell no! 

when i yelled no i felt something hard hit my head and felt legs were covered in blankets, i open my eyes to see my mom holding her head saying ow ow ow! i look around and saw i was in my room! i grab my hand mirror by my bed and saw i had green eye's! of i never thought i would ever be so happy about having green eye's!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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