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We've been dating for five years.

I proposed a few months ago.

You said yes.

Today, I will cry.

You will cry.

Our families will cry.

Our family will cry.

John Hamilton.

I proposed under the sunset sky.

Herc and Laf were there.

They knew my plan.

You are perfect.

I wanted you spend my life with you.

I will.

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

From the deepest sorrow can come the greatest hope.

A hope of a life spent with you.

They cheered as we were officially engaged.

My mom cried when I told her.

She was so happy.

Dad was proud.

Alex didn't have family to tell.

He told Peggy, who got so incredibly excited.

I love you, Alex.

Who wouldn't?

I love you more than words can say.

I love you.

Lone boy. (A Lams Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now