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Around 5.30 in the morning i woke up and felt pretty sick. I left the bed with a half naked Lucrezia in it and i wondered what happend yesterday. I walked to the front door and left Lucrezias house. I walked around the block with music in my ears and thought of what i was gonna do. I love that girl! Eh, i think. And i think she loves me aswell. Man love is so confusing i dont know what to do. I decided to get back and make breakfast for them.
When i was done i woke them all up. Ellie and Jennifer where a little bit pissed until they realised it was pancakes. I walked into Lucrezias room but she wasnt there! I started to feel worried before hearing the shower start. I walked to the door and said:
"Lucrezia, there is breakfast in the kitchen" and then i heard the water stop again and a few seconds later Lucrezia opend the door with only a robe on her. She put her hand on my cheek and said:
"Thank u Yadi" winked with sn eye and left me alone outside he bathroom.
When the girls saw me again they told me how good it tasted and we talked for quite some time before Ellie and Jennifer went home so we could study.
"What are you going to write about?"
I asked Lucrezia when we sat down.
She thought for quite some time before telling me:
"Im going to write about the American Revulotion. But i dont know much about it except that USA got independent from Great Britain."
I looked at her with a smile and said:
"I will help you my friend, dont worry!"
She smiled back and we started to study. For hours we wrote that essay and finally, after maybe five or six hours with breaks we where done.
When i was going to take the paper her hand touched mine and we looked into eachothers eyes. I slowly asked:
"Mozhno ja tebja potseluju?"
And she giggled a little before saying:
"I dont know what that means but yes, i say yes" both she and i was smiling and i was leaning foward even more and gave her a deep kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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