A Warm "Welcome"

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Chapter Song-
Rosyln by Bon Iver & St.Vincent

I carefully opened the door to our Range Rover, and was immediately hit with the view of my new house. I grabbed the box, that had sat with me throughout the entire car journey, and tentatively got out. Soon followed by my 8 year old brother, Samuel.
He was holding his lego characters, a huge smile across his face.
"Okay guys, let's get sorted out." My dad, Antonio announced. He looked alright for his age, as he was Spanish, he had tanned skin. And also had a few grey hairs here and there on his head.
He was soon followed by my mother, Lisa.
"Doesn't the house look lovely?!" She beamed.
"It's so cool mommy!" Sammy began jumping and skipping around excitedly. He was obviously just excited as I was, however I didn't want to show my feelings. I simply nodded at my mom's remark.
My dad put his arm around me. "C'mon niño. The moving van will be here in a bit with all our stuff, and after that, you can get unpacked." I could see him peeking in my open box. "Your cacti?" He laughed
"What? I have my notebooks in there too!"
"And what exactly are in those notebooks?" I heard my mom lock the car, and we all walked up the short path to our new abode.
"Nothing special, just...stuff." I looked down in the box.
"Stuff eh? Okay then, I'll leave it at that. I guess I'll never truly know what you sit and do all day in your room then."
"Guess so."

The moving van eventually came, after about 15 minutes, and I had already called dibs on my bedroom. It was an attic bedroom, with a large window which opened onto a balcony. There was also an en suite and because it was very spacious, there would be lots of room for my furniture and decor. But for now, all there really was to see in my bedroom, was my double bed and boxes.
       I had just began to take my cacti out of the small box I held earlier, when I heard a cough.
     I turned around and peered out of the window to see a boy, around my age, sat on his roof, reading.
       He had black hair and wore a vintage, fur denim jacket. One strand of hair was loose and rested on his face, which looked rather interested in his book.
     I was just looking at the somewhat handsome boy, when I leaned further to the open window. And guess what happened, it was just my luck; I tripped over on one of the smaller boxes and smacked my face on the window.
       He immediately heard the collision and quickly turned to look at me. He sort of gave me a kind of death stare. Well sorry I'm an absolute cluts!
      But I felt my entire face burn red as I stood up and through myself on my bed. "Why are you so stupid?!" I said into my pillow, "He just saw you smack your entire face on the window!" I groaned. But in due course, plucked up the courage to carry on unpacking, yet, when I took a quick peek outside the window, the mysterious teen was gone. Thank fuck.
      It took me about another hour to kind of get my room 'presentable'. I had managed to get out my wardrobe, clothes, desk, books, the famous cacti, my vinyls, makeup, TV and laptop.
       My new room resembled my old one, however this one was slightly bigger. I was glad I was happy with everything so far; my room, the house. I was just dreading going to my new school in two days. How was I going to make new friends? It was going to be so hard, I put all this to the back of my mind and went downstairs to see how my parents were doing.
       My dad was stood at the kitchen island, unpacking some food we had brought over.
      "Hey niño, how's the unpacking going?" He asked while putting a few cans in the cupboard.
       "Well I've finished today's lot," a leaned against the counter, "Where's mom?"
      "She's upstairs with Ted, he doesn't feel very well. I think it's probably only because we got back from España yesterday. He's not good with planes is he?"
      I hummed in reply, "Is he okay?"
   "He's fine Ren, just has a fever. He'll be okay in no time."
      "Bueno." At that, I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it," I said, noticing that my dad looked rather busy.
       I opened the door to see a pretty middle aged woman stood with two boys. Twins. I noted that one of the twins wore a vintage denim jacket. Great, roof boy. He had his arms crossed and just stared at me, not looking very interested in my existence.
     The other twin, that looked slightly muscular than his brother, smiled. He had dirty blonde hair, rather than black. I smiled back.
     "Oh hello, we erm, just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood!" I also noticed that she held a large basket. I could see fruit, chocolates and other goodies.
     "Thank you so much!" The lady handed me the basket.
     "I'm Mel, this is Cole," she pointed behind her to the twin with the black hair, "and this is Dylan." She then pointed to the other twin.
     They both said hi, but Cole's seemed forced. Something told me we weren't going to get on.
      "I'm Serena," I beamed, suddenly my dad appeared.
      "Oh, what a surprise! Thank you so much for the basket. I'm Antonio," he shook hands with Mel. "My wife is Lisa, she's upstairs with our son Samuel. He's ill at the moment, but they'd love to meet you guys."
      "Oh no, that's no problem, we just wanted to swing by and say hi. Also, if you want, you are welcome to come to ours tomorrow evening for dinner. I'm making steak?!"
     A smile rose on my dad's face, "My favourite. That sounds lovely..."
   "Well that sounds lovely Mel, we can't wait."
   "Shall we say 8 on the dot?"
   "Well, I guess we'll see you guys tomorrow, good luck unpacking. I know it's a tedious business." She laughed as they began to walk back up the path.
     "Thank you very much, we'll see you tomorrow then!" My dad exclaimed.
      And with that we shut the door. "Well they seem lovely!"
     "Hmm yeah." I replied, remembering Cole's death stare. Why didn't he like me? What had I done? I made my way back to my room. 9pm.
      "Okay I thought," shutting the door. I went through my wardrobe and found a pair of shorts and a Calvin Klein bralette for my pyjamas. I folded my day wear up and put them on a box.
     I went into my en suite and got washed, I brushed my teeth and exfoliated my skin. I also put my long, brown hair into a ponytail.
    I then went back into my bedroom, grabbed my notebooks and began working.

Okay guys! 🔥I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter, I'm so excited about writing this as I have it all planned out and sorted.
     Please vote and comment, feel free to also add it to your library or reading list. Comment what you think Serena is up to in in her notebooks. Is she writing a novel? Or maybe planning something...

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