somethings missing (boyxboy)

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Gray pov

I sat in the middle of the lunch room stareing at my two best friends how come they where sexy but i wasn't? Kass and T-bag as we like to call him where twins they both had pure black hair and beauitful eyes me well I was indeed me. Just as my mind went in to my magic world filled with unicorns and puppys T-bag sat infront of me and flicked my nose I screamed and punched him stright in the balls. "OH HOLY FUCK " he cried falling over I smiled innocently "i will need my balls one day damn it!" "oh please no woman will want to have your children". Kass said throwing her hands up "I'm gonna have to have the grand-children with this sexy beast right here " she pointed at me we where always like this no matter what in class it was the same and at home it was wrose. I smiled flicking my shaggy black hair from my face "I know I'm a sexy beast but do remember i would rather sleep with your brother then you " she pouted "SO MEAN" I smirked and leaned over and licked T-Bags face."OMG WTF WTF WTF ITS WET AND GROSS " he screamed and fell to the ground rubbing his face on the ground both kass and I started to laugh as T-bag rubbed his face screaming kids where stareing at us but whatever be that way!. I mean haters gonna hate cause we're so awesome or some shit like that just as I started thinking I smirked and launched myself at Kass who caught me. I pouted slightly " my night in shineing armer is a woman oh dear lord i would have never thought!" looking around I screamed " TINY ELFS STOLE MY SANDWHICE " "no that was T-bag". Oh hell no now it was on

somethings missing (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now