2:why me

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The car was cold, the floor was hard I didn't know if I would live or die, I was scared someone please help me please. I felt cold hands pick me up out of the car I didn't know what was gonna happen to me,but
then I felt warmth and softness I was on my couch "what the heck why am I here what even happened" I screamed. I quickly darted toward the window and saw a car driving away, I don't understand I feel normal what did he do to me. Guess I better head to bed I'll talk to the police tomorrow. I walked up the creaky stairs to my bedroom and went off to sleep.

I woke up to hear knocking at my front door, so I checked it out to see what was the matter. I opened the door and saw a police officer "um can I help you"
"Yes mam a patient from the asylum broke out last night and we tracked him down on this street you haven't had any contact with him have you?"
I remembered last night was that him I couldn't get a good look at his face. "Um mam?"
"Oh sorry um no I haven't"
"Well if you haven't then watch out he is extremely dangerous Donne careful don't go out at night and lock all your doors and windows"
"Yes sir I will"
He leaves in his police car.
What if that was him last night, could it have been I mean he didn't seem dangerous,Anyways I guess I better get ready for work.

I hate work all those stupid bratty kids I try to help them learn it just so hard they don't want to listen I soon hear a slame on my desk ripping me from my thoughts. "Ms.westbrooke I assume your grading tests" she says with a smart voice.
"Um yes mrs. Tanner I am."
"Good now get to work."
"Yes mam."
I walk to my homeroom class to prepare for my 1st period, only to be greeted by my ex."What are you doing here Alex" I say with anger.
"Well I just stopped by to say hi."
"Get out we broke up how did you even get in here."
"The staff let me in, but anyways lily I was wondering if you wanted to for out Saturday night I'll pick you up at 7:00 good yes ok bye."
He leaves without saying a word.
"Wait I didn't say yes ugh that jerk"
I decided to get my class set up and tests graded and continue my boring day. But as I was teaching I still couldn't stop think about last night.

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