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Jontavian: Meet up with me then! WE CAN ALL FIGHT!

Brandon: Alright

Shawn: Okay bet

*they all meet*

*actual talking*

Brandon: So Jon, you was poppin off and so was you Shawn

Jontavian: You were talkin dat shit too buh I'm more concerned with Shawn

*Jontavian runs up and punches Shawn in the face knocking him down and continues punching him until blood begins flowing everywhere and Shawn is unconscious*


*Brandon leaves*

Jontavian: Shawn... Get up

Shawn: *lays on the floor while not  breathing*

Jontavian: SHAWN! WAKE UP! SHAWN, SHAWN *shakes him*

Jontavian: Shawn! Come back😞 *picks him up and holds him in his arms* let's go... I gotta get you to the hospital

Shawn: *body hangs lifeless*

*arrives at hospital*


Doctor: Sir, may I ask what you are to this young man?

Jontavian: Uhhh I'm his boyfriend. *Jon thinks to himself* I legit have no feelings for Shawn but they won't let me back there if I say anything other than that

Doctor: I'm sorry sir but we will ask you to stand outside while we try to revive him

*30 Minutes Later*

*Doctor walks out of the room*

Doctor: We've done all we can... Shawn is dead. Now his heart monitor could go back on causing him to be alive but it'll have to happen in the next 24 hours. He's not fully dead, but he's brain dead. He can either come out, forgetting everything or having perfect memory. I'm sorry sir

Jontavian: *Begins crying* What have I done..

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