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1: In Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, the first thing Snape asks Harry in Potions class is:

Potter! What would I get if I added powdered wood of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

According to the Victorian Language of Flowers, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'my regrets follow you to the grave' while wormwood means 'absence' and symbolises bitter sorrow. The entire question has a hidden meaning of "I bitterly regret Lily's death."

2: In Prisoner of Azkaban Professor Trelawny refuses to sit at a table with 12 other characters because she would be the 13th and the first one to get up after that would die.
In Order of the Phoenix, 13 members of the order are sitting and Sirius is the first to stand. Same as when Remus comes to tell everybody about Teddy Lupin being born, there are 13 people sitting and Lupin is the first to rise. Consequently being the first to die in the group at the battle of Hogwarts.

3: In the Philosophers Stone, Dumbledore gives 10 points to Neville at end of the book to stand up against his friends, which is a very difficult task, at that point it only appears as if this is done to allow Gryffindor win House Trophy, but in the last book [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows] we come to know that even for a great wizard like Dumbledore himself, how difficult it was to confront his friend Grindelwald, and stand up against him. So he knows what great strength Neville has shown, although the reader doesn't at that point.

Hi guys if you have found any hidden meanings you can message me and I will include them if I don't already have them, just let me know if you want your username tagged. 😊

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