Chapter 1 - Awkward

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{James Bourne/McBusted}

And just like that, you steal away the rain

**UPDATED** Summary:

Despite having been with his girlfriend for many years, James Bourne not only still hasn't proposed, but he doesn't want to either. It's not that he doesn't love her, it's just that things aren't the same between them as they were, and he's starting to get a bit bored with their relationship, especially now that they can't stop fighting. Things with Gabriela become even more strained when an optimistic, talented girl with strange hair comes into his life and turns it upside down, and it's enough to make him wonder whether to follow his head and propose, or leave his girlfriend to follow his heart.

Chapter 1


“So, James,” Gabriela began thoughtfully, twirling a strand of hair around her long finger, “This is such a lovely restaurant.”

“Mhmm,” I replied, reaching for my glass of wine for what seemed like the 500th time that night.

“You know, I've always wanted to come here.”

“Yes, I know,” I responded, looking around the restaurant absent-mindedly.

“Sooo...” she dragged the word out, dropping her hand from her hair and reaching for mine over the table, “Is there a particular reason you brought me here?”

I sighed internally as I realised what she was implying, and in all honesty, I wished she hadn't brought it up. It would just make things more awkward for me in the long run, I mean, we'd been together for what felt like forever, and most men by then would have proposed, but I wasn't most men.

“Not really, just wanted to enjoy a lovely evening with my even lovelier girlfriend,” I smiled tightly, holding my glass up for her to clink hers against, but the hand that wasn't entwined in mine stayed put.

“James,” she said huffily, “I don't mean to seem pushy, but when are you going to propose?”

“I just don't feel ready to marry yet-”

“You're 30 years old James! For God's sake, we're not getting any younger! I thought for sure I'd have a ring on my finger by the time I was 21, but I suppose not!”

“To be fair, that is pretty young...”

“James!” she said loudly, making a few heads turn to look at us, “I don't care!” she lowered her voice, leaning closer to me over the table, “Look, I love you, okay? I love you and I want to have a family with you. I want to have a home with you, not just some random apartment that we share,” she leaned back in her seat, “And if you're not ready for that kind of commitment yet, then fair enough, but you can't keep me waiting forever.”

“I know,” I replied, looking down at my untouched plate of food, “Someday we'll have all of that, but right now I'm really just not ready.”

There was a long pause before she finally raised her glass.

“Oh well,” she said lightly, “We've still got time. Maybe after the tour, yeah?”

“Yeah, maybe,” I raised my glass as well, “To us.”

“To us.”


“First night of the tour, lads!” Danny grinned, slinging his arms around Matt and Tom's shoulders, “Anybody up for a celebration afterwards?”

Dougie and Harry looked at each other before looking back at him.

“Sure, just no alcohol for us,” Harry replied.

“Me neither,” Matt added.

“Fine, fine, cool, whatever,” Danny dismissed them, “Well, looks like it's just me, Tom and James who're getting pissed tonight!”

I shrugged, “Whatever.”

“Actually man, I think I'll take it easy,” Tom said, “I'm seeing the baby first thing tomorrow, and Gi would probably kill me if I had a hangover.”

“Whatever,” Danny echoed me, before removing his hands from their shoulders, “We'll worry about the technicalities later. Let's go put on an awesome show!”

I grinned in response, slinging my guitar over my shoulder before making my way to the side of the stage. Tom nodded at me as the first few bars of 'Year 3000' rang out, running on-stage and doing the signature Busted jump. I copied him, smirking as I noticed that I had jumped just a bit higher than he had. Feeling the adrenaline rush through my veins, I began to sing.

One day when I came home at lunchtime, I heard a funny noise...”


A/N: I'm not 100% happy with the ending but the story will (hopefully!) get better! I just figured I should upload something pretty soon and this was something I really wanted to write, so yeahh. Hope you liked this chapter, updates will come whenever I have the motivation to write (because I'm pretty damn lazy). And, no, the OC hasn't been introduced yet because tbh I haven't completely finished creating the character (so organised -.-) but she will be probably next chapter or chapter 3 at the latest. One final note, I do love Gabriela Arciero (James' girlfriend), but she will not be ending up with James. Okayyy, I think that's all (wow, this was long...) so yeah, enjoy! See you at the next update!

SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Year 3000 by Busted

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