Chapter 2 - Dinner

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Chapter 2


The delicious scent of Gi's cooking hit me as I walked through the door.

"Hey James," Tom grinned, flicking through the channels on his TV.

"Hey man," I smiled back, sitting down next to him, "Where's the baby?"

"Sleeping," he replied absent-mindedly, "Gi said dinner should be done soon."

"Oh, cool," I turned my attention towards the TV, "Anything good on?"

"Nah," he switched it off just as Gi walked in. Apart from the bags under her eyes, she looked pretty good considering she only gave birth a few weeks before.

"Hiya James," she said, smiling brightly, "How're you?"

"I'm really good actually, and you?"

"Tired," she faked a yawn, "But coping. How's Gabriela?"

"She's good. Still adjusting to the move," I responded.

"I'd imagine she is," Gi smiled gently, "Shame she couldn't be here."

"Yeah, well, she needs a girl's night and she knew you wouldn't mind if she didn't show."

"Still haven't proposed yet mate?" Tom asked cheekily.

"Nope," I popped the 'p', "So you can't be my best man yet!"

"Shame," he said s the doorbell rang, "I'll get it!"

"I'd better finish cooking," Gi said, going back into the kitchen, leaving me alone on the sofa. I could hear Tom's muffled voice talking with whoever was at the door. After a few minutes, he walked back in.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Just our other guest," Tom replied.

"I didn't know someone else was coming?"

"Yeah, sorry we forgot to tell you. She's an old friend, you'll like her."

"Where is she?" I asked curiously.

"Just taking off her coa- Ah, hey Sierra!" he said just as she walked into the room. I took a few moments to look at her. She was fairly slim with pale skin and kind brown eyes. Her hair was around shoulder length, curly and dyed a colour that was somewhere in between purple and red, "We were just talking about you."

Her eyes darted to look at me, and a small smile played on her pink lips.

"Hi, I'm James," I introduced myself, "Nice hair."

"Thanks," she replied politely, "I'm Sierra, Sierra Foster. Huge fan."

"Oh, cool, so you like Busted?"

"Absolutely!" she smiled brightly, "You're my favourite member."

"I bet you said that to Matt as well," I joked and she giggled.

"I may have!"

"Oh, James, I see you've met Sierra!" Gi said, coming out of the kitchen holding two plates.

"Yeah, we're definitely well acquainted now," Sierra grinned, making her way towards the table and sitting down. I took the seat across from her, figuring Tom and Gi would like to be opposite each other. She gave me a small smile as Gi sat next to her.

"So, Sierra, how have things been?" Sierra and Gi instantly began a conversation, talking so fast that I couldn't understand what they were saying. Tom looked over at them, rolling his eyes.

"Girls," he muttered.

"I heard that Tom," Gi said with mock threat in her voice. I chuckled at Tom, who looked like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"I didn't say anything," he held his hands up in defence. Gi copied his eye roll before turning back to Sierra.

"Boys, right?" she joked and Sierra laughed.

"You can say that again!"

A loud, long wailing noise came from upstairs.

"That's my cue," Tom sighed, pushing his chair out and getting up, "I'll be right back, just gotta see what Crumb wants."

With that, he exited the room, leaving me with the two gossiping girls. I took a bite of my chicken and almost moaned at how good it was.

"Food alright for ya James?" Gi asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Amazing," I replied, before stuffing another bite into my mouth.

"I have to agree with him," Sierra nodded, "How the hell did you make this? It's brilliant!"

"Well..." Gi began explaining the precise method of how she cooked the chicken, and that was when I zoned out until Tom came back in.

"Somebody just missed their daddy," He smiled, sitting back down next to me, "So, what were we talking about?"

The rest of the evening flew by, and two glasses of white wine later, I was pulling my coat on ready to leave.

"Oh, James?" Sierra began as she wrapped her long, pink scarf around her neck, "You know how you write all those awesome songs?"


"Weeeelll," she dragged the word out, smiling sweetly as if she wanted something, "I'm really interested in that sort of thing at the moment. Actually, what I'm getting at is that it would be awesome if maybe we could write something together sometime?"

I thought for a moment. It would be cool to write with someone new, and Sierra seemed pretty awesome. Why not?

"Sure, that sounds cool. What's your number?"

We exchanged phone numbers and email addresses, promising that we would get in touch with each other soon. As I got into my car, I couldn't help but be excited about all the awesome songs that we could write together. Just as I thought that, my phone rang in my pocket.

"James?" Gabriela began, sounding slightly irritated, "When're you coming home?"

"I'm on my way. I thought you said you were going out tonight?"

"Oh, yeah, well those plans fell through."

"You could've come to dinner with me."

"I couldn't be bothered to show up halfway through your meal. Wouldn't want to be an inconvenience," I could practically hear her sickly sweet smile over the phone, "Anyway, hurry up, I'm bored."

"I'll be back in about 10 minutes. Love you."

"Love you more."

As I hung up the phone and began to drive, I realised that it was probably better that she didn't come. It would've probably made Sierra uncomfortable to be around two couples alone, one of which she barely knew. All thoughts of the dinner left my mind, however, as I shoved my Michael Jackson 'Bad' CD into the CD player and began to sing along at the top of my voice


A/N: So there's chapter 2! Thank you so much for a few votes already, I'm happy you guys (apparently) like this story! Oh, I'm deliberately not saying which gender Tom's baby is until it's actually born so I know, just in case you were wondering. Anyway, what do you think of the characters so far? Liking Sierra? Anyone got any suggestions for her FC? Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Comments are awesome soooo you should most definitely leave one :D. I feel like there's something I'm forgetting to mention but I really can't remember what it is (can't be that important if I don't remember) so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you at the next update!

SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Onefrom the musical A Chorus Line because it's amazing

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