Chapter 8

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Yume stood up from her seat as soon as the bell rang. It was Friday, and that meant no school the next day, it also meant that the Nekoma High Volleyball club was going to be having their usual practices. She sighed. It wasn't like she was against her boyfriend having something else to do, but she did miss him a lot since their trip to the countryside.

"And all I can do is support him... I feel so useless though..." She sighed again, feeling dispirited that she couldn't help him with anything.

"Hey! Yume!"

"Maybe I should start reading books about volleyball? Or I could read articles about setting?"


"If I start talking to him about setting and have no idea what I'm saying, then I'll look really dumb! I don't want that!"


A blur of white and black appeared in front of her and she instantly felt someone pull her back. "Huh?" She blinked, suddenly finding herself embraced by a much taller person.

Looking up at what was going on, she saw that Kuroo had his arm wrapped around her, his other arm blocked a stray soccer ball that was headed her way. The volleyball captain frowned as he glanced at Yume, causing her to tense up.

"Sorry, my bad!" One of the soccer players bowed apologetically.

"I-It's alright," Yume stuttered, still in shock.

As the soccer group left, Kuroo released his hold and let her go, his expression slowly softening. Yume heaved a sigh of relief, then bowed to the upperclassman.

"Thank you, Kuroo." She said.

"No problem," He chuckled. "You know, Kenma was practically ready to run over and block the ball with his face."

"Kenma?!?" She exclaimed and looked around.

Kenma was walking over to the two with an annoyed expression. However, when his scowling eyes met with his girlfriend's surprised ones, he quickly averted his gaze down to the floor, a light blush coloring his cheeks. Kuroo was grinning at his friend with amusement. It was adorable how Kenma acted when it concerned Yume, and Kuroo just loved watching his reactions to certain situations.

"I wasn't going to block the ball with my face." Kenma huffed.

"You probably would have~" Kuroo teased.

"Shut up, Kuro." The blonde sighed and proceeded to walk ahead, leaving his best friend and girlfriend behind.

Yume and Kuroo looked at each other with smiling faces, before jogging to catch up with the pouting second year.

It became a new routine for the three of them to walk home together since Yume's house was one train stop away from theirs. Kuroo was always such an entertaining guy, telling stories about him and the pudding head during their childhood days, explaining basics of volleyball to her. Yume loved learning about anything related to Kenma, and since her boyfriend was always too shy to talk about himself, Kuroo decided to help him out by casually talking about him.

Normally, Kenma wouldn't mind the two chatting about him. Sometimes he would even speak up and tell a few stories himself; other times, he would just correct Kuroo about certain things.

But, this time, Kenma was silent. Very silent.

Yume noticed immediately when they got on the train. Kenma was frowning and angrily mashing the buttons of his game console. It wasn't the first time he's done that, he would always get frustrated when he couldn't get pass a level, but this time his irritation was directed at something else. She wasn't entirely sure what, but she knew it wasn't the game.

"Kenma, you alright?" Kuroo spoke up, having noticed the pudding head's behavior as well.

"Fine..." Kenma muttered.

The train slowed to a stop and the doors opened. Yume got up and was about to join the others who were getting off, when she glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend, frowning sadly since he usually says goodbye before she left. This time, he didn't.

"I'll see you on Monday, Kenma..." She mumbled quietly to the blonde, then stepped out of the train.

As the doors closed shut and the train began to move again, Kenma lowered his PSP and looked up, just in time to see her walk away. He felt his heart heavy with regret as he watched her leave. Wanting to ignore it completely, he unpaused his game and continued playing.

"Kenma?" Kuroo called him, a concerned look on his face. "You sure you're alright? You didn't even say goodbye to Yume."

"Why don't you do it." Kenma retorted, his tone clearly showing his mood.

Kuroo was taken aback at the new emotion his best friend was displaying. Kenma was never this angry with him before. The scheming captain looked up at the ceiling and thought of reasons why the setter could be in such a mood.

"...Are you angry because I was hugging Yume earlier?" He deduced, casting him a sideways glance.


"You are?" Kuroo smirked. "You are, aren't you."

"Shut up, Kuro." Kenma blushed in embarrassment.

"Well, well. This is really interesting~" Kuroo mused, wiggling his eyebrows. "Kenma getting annoyed at other guys touching his girl."

"I said shut up, Kuro." Kenma grumbled and turned his back to him.

"Hmm~?" Kuroo hummed, smiling.





".....Don't tell Yume."

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