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Danny's pov

I was walking home late one night when it started to rain. "Damn it!" I whispered. I started walking caster when I heard what sounded like a kitten. I looked in an alleyway and found a tiny baby kitten with gold fur and green eyes. "Aww, aren't you ador-" Suddenly, a rag was put to my mouth. I gasped from shock and heard a voice. "Trust me, I don't want to do this. But it was either this or she dies." I recognized that voice anywhere. It was Deuce. Before I could ask any questions, I blacked out.

Time skip

I woke up tied to a chair. I heard a woman yelling upstairs. Then I saw Deuce walk down. He was shaking. "What do you want?!" I asked. He looked me in the eye. "Nothing... I'm only doing this because of her..." He sounded... strange. "Who?" He sighed. "My girlfriend... she said if I didn't do this she'd hurt the kid I've been taking care of..." "k-kid?!" Now he lost me. Yeah, we didn't like each other. But a kid?! "Yeah. I found a kid named Y/n out on the streets. Her foster home abandoned her and left her to die... my girlfriend was sweet at first... but now she's just a monster to her and I..." My heart shattered. Yeah, Deuce and I have a rivalry. But NO ONE deserves this. "My girlfriend wants me to torture you, but... I need your help... I have to get her out of here but I'm scared..." He was crying by now. That's when I heard the door open. I saw a woman holding a young girl by her hair. "B*TCH SHUT UP!" She threw the girl inside, and the girl quickly ran behind Deuce. He picked her up. The woman walked towards me. "Hello Daniel..." "Erica..." (change it if your names Erica) I snarled. Erica and I dated in high school, but we broke up because she started bullying some of the younger students. She hated me ever since. "Glad I'm finally getting my revenge Daniel." She smirks and pushes the chair I was in down. "AH!" She laughs evilly. "Aron, make the Skype with HU. I'll be back in 30 minutes for the b*tch!" She leaves and slams the door. Deuce fixes my chair. "You ok?" "I'm fine... the question is is she ok?" I asked, pointing at the young girl. Deuce crouches to her level and asks her if she's ok. She nods. Deuce picks her up. He grabs a computer. "Do you know if any of them have Skype?" "No. Just face time them on my phone. He nods, takes out my phone and starts face time.

J3ts pov

"Where is he?!" I growled. Danny was 2 hours late to our meeting. Danny was NEVER  late for anything. I then got a face time request from Danny. I accepted. "Danny! Where the hell are you?!" It was at this moment when I heard an all too familiar voice. "Listen closely. I have less than 30 minutes to talk." It was Deuce. "What the f*ck do you want deuce?! And why do you have Danny's phone?!" "No time! Listen! I've been forced by my abusive girlfriend to kidnap Danny." By now, all the guys were surrounding me. "She said if I didn't..  well..." He pulled a young girl out from behind him. "This angel wouldn't be here anymore..." "so... your girlfriend forced you to kidnap danny or else she would kill a kid?" Charlie asked, just as confused as I was. "Yes... Look, I don't want to do this. But this girl, y/n, is the most important person in my life... I can't lose her..." He was choking up. Even I started feeling bad for him. "Ok... what can we do to help?" "Meet me at this location at this time..." He gave us location, and we sped off. We were going to save them. No matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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