Demon Prince

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What were you doing in my land when I saw you first in the woods...

I came here in search for SHADE WOLF... 


Ethan POV

(Why is she searching the Shade Wolf... what does she want from me??? I have find it but first I will ask her then we can see what I have to do)

Why are you searching Shade wolf???

I am princess of vampires, before my parents die they made an agreement with the demon king that I have to marry demon's prince but when I saw him I know he is not my match he is cruel, womaniser and he is an abuser he abuse women for his own pleasure..... I didn't want to marry him so I searched for some sources who can help me with my problem and a witch my old friend told me about the Shade wolf he is an ancient wolf with more powers and he is the son of the moon goddess and she told me that the Shade wolf is near your territory so I came searching for him so that I can seek the help from him...    (she said making my wolf growl... someone wants to marry my mate... how dare he wants to take mine... I will tare him into pieces and feed him to the street dogs.... but now I have to calm her and get the full details)

So this demon prince is he good looking or do you like him or something...  (I asked making her smile more like laugh)

Oh!!! Someone is jealous of demon prince...   (she said making me feel happy because I made her calm)

I am not jealous, I just want to know whether you like him or of course love him because I don't want to come between you and him...   (she immediately got angry for what I said )

I don't him or anyone else because I LOVE YOU from the moment I saw you, from the moment I came to know you are my mate... you can control your feelings but I can't I always love you till my last breath I am not saying this just like that, I am saying this because I feel like this from the moment I saw you and here you are asking me I love that demon prince or not...   ( she said making me feel guilty for what I said but I know I can't return her feelings because for some reason I don't feel like I love her... yes she is my mate and I feel the pull and I feel possessive about her but I don't feel the love for her)

Amelia I know what you feel about but you have to understand I....   (she raised her hands to stop me from saying further)

I know Ethan you don't feel the same about me and you marked me because you gave your word to save your sister and you stick to your because I saved your sister... Ethan I didn't mean to pressure you about the marking and mating but I love you and I also want to come out of the situation I am in, if I am marked and mated with you means then he can't marry me right that's the reason I pressured to mark and mate with me in 3 days because the 5th day the demon prince is coming to the palace to see me and to fix the wedding... but now he can't do anything because I will be yours forever...   (oh god, she didn't even know the full thing about this situation)

You are Amelia... he is a demon king and your parents promised him so there will be some bond spell between you and him... my mark will fade the minute you see the demon prince and about mating it won't work... that's the reason that witch told you to find the Shade wolf because only he can kill the demon prince and then only the bond spell will break between you and him and for the record... the bond spell is same like the mate bond but it's artificial done by a witch and mate bond is a natural bond given by the moon goddess means a soul divided into half and given to the different persons when they meet the soul will become one and that's the reason why I don't feel the love for you because the bond spell is blocking the souls from becoming one... first we have to find whether the bond spell is done or not and second we have to find the witch who did the bond spell between you and him and third you must not see the demon prince if you see them the spell will start to work and you will feel the mate pull with him and you will feel the stronger pull towards than ours... will you be able to fight that pull...    (I asked, I know I don't love her but I don't know something tells me that something big is going to happen and I have to be strong for everyone and I have to speak to my mother)

I love you Ethan and no one can change that not even that demon prince and I hate him to the core so don't worry about him and I will always choose you not some scumbag... (she said making me smile... after she came I started to smile and I am speaking with her like I know her for years and I feel like I know her)

Ok Amelia you take rest... I have some pack work and today evening we have a party and the announcement to make about my mate so you have to look fresh and beautiful and if you want take my sister to the shopping and here is my card use it ok bye see you later...  (she nodded and I don't know what came into me I kissed her forehead and went to the woods...)

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