The supernatural detective

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Chapter 1

The body on the ground covered in a body bag seemed unchanged by what happened yesterday to the victim. I asked the man who was in charge of the body to open the bag and the cop said "why are you interested in this woman" said the cop. "It interested me it's simple as that" I said. "Fine just tell me when your done staring at the body" said the cop with a smug look on his face as he left the room.

As he left I took a better look at the murdered victim. The victims name was Rachel Rodriquez and came from a simple family in the suburbs. She was in her late twenties and just graduated from college hoping to be Doctor. Ironic that her life got taken from her when all she wanted to do is save lives. She was reported missing a month ago when her friends did not see her in a couple of days which in turn issued into a wide search looking for Rachel. It wasn't until a month later her corpse was found in a creek covered in clay,mud and other things that were in that creek. How her corpse got there was most likely from the heavy rainfall was how her body washed away the spot where she was probably buried and carried her down the creek until someone reported seeing Raquel's body.

This is one of the reasons that this interested me but there was personal reason for this to that I keep to myself.  Thankfully the body seemed to decompose slowly thanks to clay. From what I could tell from Raquel's body  is that that her arms had multiple bruises on her arms and strangle marks on her neck suggesting it was a man. It seemed the killer was taller than 5'9 which was Raquel's height considering the hand marks looked like had downward pattern on her neck. After looking at the body I put on rubber gloves to see if they missed anything when searching the body. I opened up her eyelids to see if there was any color left. The eyes seemed clear of color showing no sign that there was once life in the eyes. After closing the eyelids I examined I looked chest region seeing if see if there were any bruises, but there were none. Next I examined the stomach region and what I saw a three inch suggesting it was a surgery. I examined the legs last but there was no cuts from the killer. After examination of the body I asked the cop if he knew was she buried originally. "She was buried deep in forest by the cross road before the storm" said the cop. "thanks, I go look at the burial site" I said. "Your welcome and oh . . .and one more thing don't go at night" he said."Why" I asked,"don't drive at night because the curved roads cause people to crash" he replied. "Thanks for the tip" I said leaving the front door. I saw sundown when I got into my truck which was in good shape considering a dent on the side of it . "This case has a few gaps to it, but I guess I'll try finding them" I thought to myself as I started the engine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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