chapter four.

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I wanted to get up and pace, do something, but these cuffs were still restraining me. So, I sat there staring at the wall, wondering how much time had passed, how much time I still had. I could only hope this was the beginning of a new beginning for me. Then I heard it, footsteps coming down a flight of stairs not too far away. A few seconds later the clanking of keys sounded followed by the opening of the door.

A young girl, around my age, walked in with a tray. She placed the tray at the end of my cot and proceeded to unlock my cuffs from the wall. I sat there rubbing my abused wrists, as she uncovered the tray. I delicious aroma wafted to my nostrils and fill the room. I good helping of mashed potatoes, corn, and steak was placed on a plate. My mouth was watering, and my stomach began to rumble in desperation.

She walked to the wall and looked down at the floor as she stood facing me. “Alpha has allowed you to eat, and bathe and dress, before you meet him.”

“Oh, okay,” I said awkwardly. I looked toward my food, not really tempted to eat just yet. I stared back at the girl.

“Would you like to join me?”

The question seemed to startle her as she looked up at me. She stared and looked lost for words.

“I-I’ve eaten, thank you.”

“Oh alright, would you like to sit?”

She continued to stare right back at me looking dumbfounded. I could tell she was trying to figure me out.

“I don’t bite,” I said with a smile. She gave a nervous laugh and came to sit at the end of my bed as she handed me the tray.

“What’s your name?” I asked before taking a huge bite of my steak.

“Gloria. Yours?”

“Annaliese. It’s nice to meet you.” I spoke between mouthfuls of food.

She stayed silent while I finished my food. I appreciated the time I had to think this time around. I was going to meet the Alpha soon. I didn’t have much time. I had to live at least long enough to make a difference.

I was done with the plate; I had scraped it clean. I was full, of nervous butterflies. I jumped as Gloria retrieved the plate from my hands and walked towards the door.

“I’ll be back soon. I’ll bring you a new set of clothes for after you bathe.”

“Oh, umm okay.”

She closed the door and left. No handcuffs. No lock. It was clearly a test to see whether I could be trusted or not. Or, a chance to run for my life. I stayed put, sat on my cot and waited it out.

She was back not even ten minutes later with a pile of clothes, and a bag of toiletries.  I watched in silence as she stood there at threshold. She signaled for me to follow, so I stood and did as expected.

We walked down a corridor, till we reached the stairs I had expected. We went up into a new hall. Turned left, walked down to the door at the very end, entered a new hall lined with many doors along both sides, and kept walking.

After many twists and turns we finally came to a door she decided to stop at. We walked into a modest looking bathroom with a beach theme. I awkwardly stepped in stood in the center of the room not really knowing what to do.

“I’ll leave you the clothes here, here’s a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, loofa,  a razor, shaving crème, a comb, toothpaste, and toothbrush. I will be right outside if you need me.”

“Okay, thank you so much.”

She stepped out the room. I turned around and came face to face horrible realization. I looked a mess. My hair was tangled and knotted, my face was stained with dirt, and the clothes I woke up with were wrinkled and stuck to my body with sweat.

I peeled off the grimy feeling clothes, and stood stark naked in a strange room.  What had my life succumbed to?  I shook off my thoughts before they led me somewhere unpleasant as I turned on the shower head.

I grabbed the things I needed and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good against my skin. I stood there enjoying the feeling of civilization, the clean feeling. No unwanted thoughts penetrated my mind as I lathered my hair with shampoo.

Once the soap was rinsed out, I washed my body as my hair conditioned.  I shaved, and brushed my teeth while still in the shower, enjoying and taking my time. I turned out the water and stepped out. I peered into the mirror; I looked presentable more myself.  I got dressed and took a few breathes before stepping out.

Gloria was leaning against the wall lost in her own thoughts. She looked me over, gave a nod and began to walk. I followed. What’s up with her?

We walked and walked and walked. This place was a labyrinth. We came to stand before a huge set of mahogany doors.  I froze and knew behind these doors stood the final decision.  

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