Chapter Five

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       The next morning, Harry woke up to find that everyone had once again left early. He hadn't really expected anything less, yet it still hurt him just the same. As he got dressed, he went over his idea for the Slytherins in his head, wondering if the other House would be up for it. Then he went downstairs to find Hermione waiting for him once again.

       She looked extremely anxious as she tapped her fingers against her leg. When she saw him, she rushed over immediately and started walking him out of the Common Room. Harry was confused at first but once he looked around the room, he understood; all of the Gryffindor boys, with Ron in the middle, had obviously been waiting for him to come down the stairs. From the looks on their faces, it wasn't to have a nice chat over afternoon tea...

"Thanks, 'Mione, you really saved me back there," He said as the duo walked down to the Great Hall.

"Anytime, Harry," Hermione responded sadly.

       It was obvious to Harry that Hermione missed Ron and the other Gryffindor's and Harry couldn't help but start to feel guilty. Seeming to realize what he was thinking, she protested.

"No, Harry, don't you dare start feeling guilty about this! You've done absolutely nothing wrong, alright?"

"Alright, 'Mione!" He exclaimed, knowing that she was right.

       As they reached the Great Hall and looked at the Gryffindor table, Harry quickly realized that he wasn't welcome at the table anymore if the glares were anything to go by. He sighed quietly to himself and contemplated walking over to the Slytherin table to show he had made a truce, but he quickly decided to keep that a secret for now. Instead, he sucked in his breath and calmly walked to the end of the Gryffindor table, sitting down to eat his breakfast with Hermione.

       Everyone at the table either ignored him or gave him dirty looks, but he simply pretended not to notice and continued to eat his pancakes. Luckily, there were no incidents as the professors were all still at the head table. Once he was done, he and Hermione left for classes where nothing more happened other than people whispering about him.

       After what seemed like one of the longest days of his life, it was time for Defense Against the Dark Arts; his last class of the day. He sat next to Malfoy once again and immediately wrote the blond a note.

'Common Room tonight, 1 hour after dinner.


       Harry received a simple 'okay' from the blonde, both knowing that he was talking about the Slytherin Common Room since Malfoy couldn't simply walk into Gryffindor's. No other notes were passed for the rest of class and there was no sign that the two had interacted at all.

       Finally, they were released from their class and they both went their separate ways.


       After dinner, Harry explained to Hermione what he was doing and what his plan was before he got ready to see the blond again. After the hour was up, Harry threw his cloak on and walked quickly towards the Slytherin Common Room. He didn't bother waiting for Malfoy this time and, instead, simply got Serpens to let him in.

       Once inside, he removed his cloak, much to the surprise of the few students who were hanging around in the Common Room. After much ogling, one of the older students got up to go get Malfoy and so Harry waited just inside the door, not too sure of what to do. Eventually, the older student returned with the blond, who motioned for Harry to follow him up to his room.

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