chapter 2 | ❦

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luna's p.o.v

i was standing outside of the office, looking at all of the random posters hanging up on the hallway walls. most of them being about special clubs and upcoming events that the school was having. i was shocked, some actually looked interesting.

it was about three minutes later as i continued to wait for clay to get done talking to jeff, my mind spacing out as i leaned heavily against the wall.

"hey, luna. you ready for your first class?" clay asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. i looked up to find clay with a small smile on his face, along with that guy jeff standing beside him.

i could instantly feel my face heating up as my eyes locked with his again. "uh, sure," i said, my eyes finding clay's as he reached out to take ahold of my schedule.

he looked it over, his eyebrows furrowing. "good news, and bad news," clay said, turning his gaze towards me. "bad news is, we got only one class together, but the good news is that you have two classes with jeff."

my eyes widen, how could that be? "i guess they switched some of your classes with the sophomores and juniors," he said, looking shocked as well.

my eyes turned their way towards jeff again, a small smile spreading across his face as he looked at me. "well at least you won't be all alone on your first day, jeff will show you to your first period, i gotta get to class. see you guys later!" clay said, handing jeff my schedule, then turned around and nearly sprinted down the long hallway.

"so, luna right?" jeff questioned, his eyebrows furrowing, making him look more cute by the second. "um, yeah," i said, my stomach filling with butterflies as his bright, blue eyes stayed on me. "do you know what classes we have together?"

jeff started looking over my schedule, he nodded his head as to say 'follow me', which i did. we both started walking down the hallway together, stopping in front of a classroom. "you have biology first, which could be worse... but you'll have second period with me," he winked, a toothy smile appearing on his lips.

i blushed, feeling my heart rate speed up. "do you think i can meet you somewhere? it's just that i don't wanna get lost and it's totally okay if you don't want but━"

"luna, you gotta relax," jeff chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "of course we can meet up, just when your first class is done, wait here and i'll come get you."

"really? thank you so much jeff, i owe you."

"it's not a big deal, anyways," he said, handing me my schedule back. "you should probably get in there?" he said, pointing to the door that was my first class.

i bit my lip, leaning over and looking inside the classroom. it didn't look too bad, there was at least twenty kids in there.

"uh, yeah. you're probably right," i mumbled, gripping my schedule tightly in my hands, as my nervousness started eating away at my body.

"hey," jeff whispered, placing a large hand on my shoulder. "you'll do great, trust me."

i looked up at him, then down at his hand that was gripping my shoulder gently. i don't really know why, but i instantly felt more relaxed from just his touch.

get it together, luna.

"alright, thanks jeff. i'll see you soon?" i questioned, a small grin appearing on my lips. he nodded, watching me as i turned and walked into the classroom.

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hope u guys enjoy this lil chapter, a longer one will be posted during the week.

also, tysm for 1k reads! it's means the world.
& just fyi, i made jeff a junior and clay a sophomore in this book for reasons that you'll understand in later chapters!

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