Sirius Black

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When we got back to the Common Room, everyone was discussing what had happened to the Fat Lady. To Hermione I whispered, "I kinda like Sir Caddagon better, personally."

Hermione giggled. "I don't. He can be rather annoying."

"I think he's funny." I said, shooting her a look.

"Ooooohhhhh" she squealed. "somebody likes Sir Caddy!"

"Sir Caddy? You think I like him when you're the one coming up with nicknames for him!" I said.

She blushed. "I-fine. I won't say that anymore if you don't tell anyone that nickname."

"Oh, I'm going to use it, I just won't say where it came from." I said, grinning evilly.

She blushed again. "No, please don't! I hate that stupid painting!"

I pretended to look hurt. "Don't hate on Sir Caddagon! He's my bud! Plus, I don't have to remember all the passwords. He likes me and knows me so he jut lets me in." I flashed a smile at Hermione. 

"UGH! You're SO lucky! I hate having to remember ALL that!" Hermione said.

I gasped. "You? Hate remembering something? Wow!" 

"Shut up." she said, blushing yet again. I looked around at the clusters of people talking. 

"What is everyone talking about? Did someone die?" I asked.

Ron looked at me in disbelief. "Didn't you hear? Sirius Black ripped the Fat Lady's portrait up!"

"Sirius Black....Who's he? Anybody have a picture of him?" I said, the last part to the entire Common Room.  Someone handed me a newspaper, and I read the headline and looked at the picture. I immediately threw it on the floor and feeling rather sick, ran to Dumbledore's office for the second time that day.

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