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[A/N]: Your bias wrecker in Bangtan is who?


Mehn it was good while it lasted

That shit wasn't real it was magic

If it had a record, it woulda been classic

But fuck you though orgasmic

She looked over at the culprit and smiled secretly to herself. Perhaps, Did someone get heartbroken? She thought, leaving the curling iron she was holding and approaching the person.

“Namjoon-issi” she greeted.

Namjoon paused the song he was playing out loud and looked at her. He wasn't mad just surprised. They barely talked. Heck, they barely greeted each other. No. Don't get It wrong. He liked her alright but he was always distracted. And right now, he was thinking of lyrics for Cypher Part Five.

“Joan-issi, how have you been?” he asked formally as she nodded. “Been good, so you are a fan of Nicki?”

Namjoon simply shrugged, staring at the album cover on his phone. “Won't say that. She's one of the coolest female rappers. I'm just listening to this for inspiration”

Joan raised a brow and Namjoon felt offended by it. “What? You're judging me right now aren't you? What's so bad about listening to A girl rap and getting inspired from it?”

Joan shook her head. She didn't mean it that way. Namjoon had misunderstood. “Ani, it's not that..I raised a brow because you said you were getting inspired from it. I know it sounds off but I listen to Nicki's Rap the most when I wanna punch my ex in the face”

Now it was Namjoon's turn to raise a brow. “You've dated before?”

Joan nodded. “Hasn't everyone?”

“Y-yeah. I-I mean w-why would I even ask that-psh” Namjoon said hoping she wouldn't take notice of his stammering but She did. She was a reporter, she was quick to notice these things.

“Wait a moment-” she paused, searching Namjoon's face for any form of disagreement but it was true. “-You haven't dated before?! How come? The papers say that you have probably gotten most girls in the world laid”

Namjoon huffed adjusting his collar. “My name's Rapmonster not Slutmonster

“Agreed!” Joan beamed. “But why?”

“Let me be sincere to you. I've had tons of crushes on girls. Infact, I tried hooking up with one but failed Miserably but you see, I can't afford for anyone of them to get hurt. I know, in life they tell you take risks but hell no, I'm not going to risk the life of my girlfriend. One, our industry doesn't allow us to date and as much as I'd love my girlfriend, I love my fans more.”

He paused opening the Amino app. “I can't lie to them. If I have a girlfriend and an Army asks if I do, Ofcourse I'd have to lie because of publicity sake but I'm a man of principles. I won't do that. So I stayed away. Its been hard but that's how to live right in a world like this.. ”

Joan nodded. She had no idea Stars felt this way. So was Namjoon always faked that he had girlfriends? She sighed looking back at Namjoon.

“I wish you get a girlfriend soon” she said as Namjoon smiled.

“I'll have to find the boldness to do so, cause the moment I find her, I'm letting the world know but ofcourse, you first..”

Joan smiled. Yeah, you do that.



“Hoseok Oppa!” she yelled approaching Hoseok as Hoseok smiled waiting patiently for her to finally get to him. He had missed her. He had missed this little girl.

“Was it late?” she pouted. Hoseok shook his head adjusting his cap.
“You are ten minutes earlier Jieun”

She nodded as Hoseok held her hand and they walked towards Hoseok favorite spot. It was a hill, it could be mistaken for a valley but it was not. It just looked like one.

“You come here anytime you want to talk” she said staring at the laid out pinic in front of her. Hoseok smiled, tapping the blanket as she sat beside him..

“You know me too well Jieun. Something has really been bothering me” he sighed. “I can't tell if she likes me or not..I don't know if her feelings are real or not..”

Jieun bit her lips. Her? Who was this Her? “Who are you talking about?”

“My Stylist”

Her heart dropped. What? He's in love with his stylist? It can't be right? He didn't even say anything yet. Cool it Jieun, just listen like you always do.

“S-so do you like her?” please say No.

“No..” thank God. Hoseok sighed. “No..not yet”

“Not yet? Do you plan on liking her or something? Oppa, does she like you too?”

“I am her bias. Although when she first came, I really thought she hated me, she would tell me she likes me a lot but her eyes would be filled with hatred. I was so sure then but now, she has pity in her eyes. She looks at me with love” without knowing it. Hoseok smiled. “She thinks I don't know but I know its her. I know she's the one who sends me those texts. Those Flowers I know she sends them. Those gifts, I see her handwork over it”

Jieun's throat felt dry. She didn't give up school for this. She didn't live everything behind to become Hoseok's second choice.

“Oppa, you aren't allowed to date besides, I doubt she likes you. Maybe she's pretending. Oppa, don't get carried away by what she's doing..she might be fooling you”

Hoseok frowned. “I don't think so” he said not wanting to believe it.

“Oppa, I don't want you getting hurt that's I'm saying this. You've fooled people and they believed. She might be good too at fooling people”

Maybe she's right. Hoseok thought. But he was going to trust her not to break his heart. Yes. He liked her enough to put his heart in her care..

Don't let me down, Lim Joan.


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