Ting-ting😂😂, the bell rang for lunch.. I ran quickly to the cafeteria so when I was there I wouldn't have to wait long but I reached to late it was a little packed but I got served anyway my friends waited for me at the corner at the cafeteria after I got served I tried to fit through the crowd... but when I busy doing that, someone grabbed my drink out my hand wtmc (what the mother cunt) I yelled pushing everyone out my way ready to slap ah bitch down....to see a handsome face standing holding it for me guess who it was?? Yes you was right if you though the one and only Malik Valentine I laughed at myself because I got really mad over nothing Malik: was you about to hit me Me: ammmm yes😊 what can I say I don't play, but what did you do that for??doh Malik: I wanted to hang with u and your friends but you mostly..😘 I blushed at his comment Me: ok since you wanna get to know me let me just grab my friends and we'll go Malik: ok beautiful When Malik replied I looked at him in a sexy way😁😁.... I told Leann we were hanging out with Malik and his friends she nodded in agreement
Malik POV
I'm so glad I get to send time with Diana and I asked JD, Yassem, and Mickey to come along to meet Diana's friend we all walked to the benches to eat where I had Diana's drink and she had her and my roti in a box we all sat down and started eating...
Diana POV
I could tell that Malik was hungry cause he ate like a five year old. I giggled at his behavior,he had a curry stane on his face. I took my napkin and wiped it off,i know I just met him but I feel like I'm falling for him. After I wiped it off " thanks" he said then taking a big bite into the roti again. I couldn't do nothing more but laugh at him.... he was chewing the rest of the food in his mouth then said "WOW!!" What I replied to his remark. You have a beautiful smile he said with passion, I looked deeply into his eyes then started to blush. He looked at me and said " it's ok I'm speaking the truth" Me: well thank you Malik: anytime gorgeous!!! Then JD interrupts ok love birds JD: oh sorry I didn't give my name!! I'm Jaden but you can call me JD Me: hi I'm.... JD: I no Diana, I've heard nice too meet you He kisses my hand😘
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JD in the media
JD: am do yu have any other beautiful friends as yourself Me: why thank you and yess!! Her name is Norah wanna see her?? JD: sure!!👏
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Norah in the media
As Diana show me her friend I was damn she's fine amma lock that down today I asked Diana for her friend's number Diana: of course you can just tell her I did if she asks Me: ok thx D Diana: yeah no prob... Imma leave you too alone and imma go fine D's friend here Me and Malik did our bro hand shake and I went my way..
Malik POV
It was nice to be alone with Diana now we can get to know each other... but I have to take things slow cause she not dat type of girl... so I asked her so Diana I came to spend time with you so do you have any siblings Diana: yes a older brother Darnell
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Darnell in the media😒
Diana: my bro is so sickening always telling me wat to do like he's my dad but he's not but he's a good bro when I need him he there for and he doh let no boy break my heart and get away with it ....... Malik: hey Diana can I get your number?? Plz just give me ah chance you can get to know the real me not wat you see on the outside Diana: ok Mr perfect on the inside
Diana POV
I doh know what I just did but I hope it's good and not gonna waste my time cause I'll never trust anyone with my heart again after my ex- Daniel so I hope he's worth it "Diana" Malik called my name "yes" I replied he said"can we hang some time go to the park or go to fun station or something and you can invite your friends and I'll invite mines" I replied to his question "ok sure" when doh i asked he replied tomorrow evening after school..." ok" I said leaving a waving goodbye to him after the bell rang that indicated lunch is over he waved me also and said "bye beautiful" ...
Hey guys if you'll loved this there's more so comment,vote and tell me what you think ok bye love yuall😘😘