The First Stone

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I'm more of a person with clogged words but with no intentions

I'm sanguine about many things, but none of them are me

Believe me when I mean optimistic, i go all the way about someone

A high tolerance level? Sure why not!
It's in my attempt to propitiate everyone I've lost my opinions

I've tried, but i can't find faults easily
It's difficult
A chance, it's all we need, don't we?

It's maybe a misapprehension for some,
believe me, I've been reprimanded about it

But then i suppose, not everyone can be pleased by your glad rags

Isn't the fact all of us have different opinions, make humanity dynamic?

It's deleterious, though
At least for me

Am i two sided?
I wonder this myself...
Optimistic or opt for mist(ha!)

I'm rambling, forgive me
I tend to deviate, dwell on nonsensical corners of a topic i sway into

This is where i vent my life's excerpts,
The bitter,
My whims brimming your ears

" what about the fancies! Surely there must be something?"

...And like the clichéd narrators we all encounter, answering their own supposed lilting framed questions they expect from their onlookers, spectators

Maybe, whenever those rays fall upon me

For now i bid thee a fond adieu

Yours truly
An intimidated spry

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