Chapter 1

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You sat on the table thinking about how the people you were sitting with were really cute and handsome but you had no idea who they were.

Ever since you let them into your house you felt really uneasy because of their cuteness.  You found that they resembled Bts , a boy band you adored,  a lot. You felt your face warm up and then you asked "how did you guys actually get here?"

The dude who had dimples explained how the uber was terrible and how someone took their phones. You just listened and were partially confused. You just stared at his adorable face.

You felt stares coming from someone else too and when he was done talking you noticed that the dude with the small hands and the dude with broad shoulders had been looking at you the whole time.

You quickly looked away and then the youngest looking one asked "Why do you literally have everything prepared for visitors? Are you expecting any?"

You said "Ah funny that you ask my friends sometimes randomly sleepover at my house so I like to keep things clean and tidy" You notice a little grin forming on the one that was really sleepy when he entered the house . You wondered why he was smiling but you shrugged it of.

 Then the cute boy with a lot of Gucci clothes  asked " What is your profession?" You answered saying while staring at his glowing face. "Well I'm a pediatrician. It's really fun" All the boys in unison said "ohhh" in such a adorable way. You then looked at the youngest who gave you a wink and you smiled. You then realised that Save me from Bts was playing and you said " I love this song. It has such meaningful words and also the vocals are amazing!"

By saying that all the boys froze. Then Jin said "You don't know who we are?" You replied "No?" V stood up and said " We're Bts!" All the boys face palmed and The Gucci boy apologised. You were trying to keep it cool and not freak out so you said  " Cool! That's awesome anyways, does anybody here not like chicken and rice?"

All of them looked confused. I didn't really care ( obviously lying) as long as they're happy and you kind of knew once you took The Gucci boy's jacket. No one raised their hand. "Good. Then that's for dinner Anyways, I have some papers to write and stuff here's the key to my house and my number just in case you need any help. Call me if you need anything"( you said that in Korean) you showed them where the cupboard with all the laptops and spare Iphones were.

Every one took one and thanked you , you just said your welcome and went upstairs. You left snacks on the table and turned the TV on. V and Kookie where going to watch TV. Jin and Jimin wanted to go and relax in the backyard , J hope and Suga went to the library upstairs. 

An hour passed and you finished all of my work. You went downstairs and saw everyone on their phones except of V , J hope and Suga. V was occupied with my pets and J hope and Suga were reading books outside. No one noticed you and you wasn't mad about it. You went to the kitchen cleaned it and placed fruits and lemonade on the table. You made yourself a frozen yogurt and asked if anyone wanted some surprisingly no one except of Jungkook wanted some. You gave him sprinkles and chocolate Sirup on top. He said thank you and started to eat. You just went back up stairs to my room.

You wondered, why the boys acting so weird? Did you say something? Anyways, you went to shower and when you were done you realised you forgot your towel! What were you going to do?

You checked if anyone was in your room or in the hallway and you ran into your room. You made it! But.... THE DOOR!!!! You heard footsteps coming up the stairs! You're dead! You were about to close it when you noticed a blushing V, Suga and Jhope looking at you.

You screamed "kyaaaaaaahhhh!" You slammed the door closed and sat on the floor. Good job Y/n! Now nearly half of Bts saw you completely naked😖.

You wanted to cry but you couldn't. You got dressed in a tight red body dress and you even applied makeup (you hated makeup). You opened the door slowly thinking they were still standing there but they weren't. You went downstairs and once you reached the bottom EVERYONE was staring at you. You said " I'm going to meet a friend I'll be back in an hour, here are a hundred dollars just in case something happens" you said all of that while looking for your phone.

You walked passed Jungkook who grabbed your arm softly but you let it slide. You also accidently bumped into Suga who grabbed you by your waist so you wouldn't fall. You were about to leave but then Rapmon said " Yah! " You looked and saw everyone lined up and then they said "Thank you Y/n! You smiled and said " Anything for you guys!" And blew a kiss and left the house smiling ear to ear.


Hey guys! This is my first story on Wattpad EVER! 

I hoped you liked the first chapter.

Please Comment, Vote and Read?  I don't know! Do whatever 

You want as long as it makes you happy♡

Lots of Jin's 'Muahhhs', 


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