Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Aedan, nicknamed Irish, led Kaida to her fight. Men snickered, taunting the girl as soon as they saw her. Aedan knew she couldn't win her match. She wasn't fast or swift enough.

Or maybe, she just held back on Aedan when she tried to escape. She could be hiding her strength.. At that point, anything was possible.

He couldn't blame her for the attempt of escape; Street Fighting wasn't the best 'sport' to be involved in. If it wasn't dangerous enough to begin with, the groups were deemed gangs and would be arrested if caught.

But it had always been extremely violent, perhaps more so throughout recent years. The winner would be paid and bandaged, no one left the ring scratch free. And the loser, they were left to take care of themselves.

But for Kaida, that would end differently. She invaded their main building. The girl must either prove she's useful or die trying.

He had seen it all before.

The thought of watching the girl getting beaten to death made his blood run cold. Maybe they would be kind for once and put her out of her misery instead.

No, tha's vereh unlikeleh. Theh've neveh done tha behfore. Aedan thought.

He glanced down at her, smiling slightly. It was obvious she understood the concept of Street Fighting and was scared. Tha's reahsonable. At leahst sheh leahrns quick.

"Ya will beh fine. Aright?" he told her.

"Am I going to die?" she hesitantly asked.

Aedan looked away from the girl, glancing at the crowd. All he could do was wonder who her opponent would be.

Rock music played, getting the crowd pumped up and the fighters in a good mood to win. He tried to focus on that for a moment, though he seemed to end up staring off into space.

"Irish?" Kaida asked, shaking his arm.

His attention snapped to her. "Yea?"

"Fighters!" announced a man. Aedan quickly got out hand wraps, helping Kaida get them on. Safety first, right?

The crowd parted, allowing an entrance to the arena. He saw her opponent and instantly knew the girl didn't have a chance.

The fighter was called Cain. He was strong, cruel, and above all else unbeatable. His reputation was very important to him, in fact, it meant everything to the man.

Cain simply wore jeans and combat boots. His oversized muscles gleamed with sweat. His short blond buzz cut blended in with his reddened tan face.

He was ready to fight and kill.

Aedan didn't show fear in attempt to make Kaida feel less afraid, as if it would work.

"I have to fight him?" she asked, trying and failing to hide her fear.

Aedan simply nodded. The girl was shoved into the ring, the bell sounding.

She knew how to fight, that much was clear by the way she stood: up on her toes and bouncing, one fist up ready to block, and the other slightly cocked back, ready to swing.

Cain chuckled deeply at her. "Fighter, huh? You don't look like much," he taunted.

Her jaw was clenched as she moved around the edge of the ring. Someone laughed and shoved her close to Cain, yelling, "Fight!"

Kaida stumbled, ending up about a foot away from Cain. He smirked cruelly, swinging a punch at her.

Aedan cringed, waiting for her to slam against the ground. But the noise never came. The entire crowd went silent.

Kaida had perfectly rolled out of the way and landed a kick to the giant's knee. He stumbled, whirling around.

"You little shit!" he bellowed, charging. The crowd started yelling and cheering again.

Cain was quicker this time, grabbing her arm first. She ducked away from the first few punches. Then, unexpectedly, he plowed his knee into her stomach, throwing her down.

She groaned, causing a few members of the crowd to laugh. Cain kicked her over on her back, kneeling so he was straddling her waist.

He pulled a fist back, striking. Then again, and again, and again. She got her arms up to cover her now bruised face just in time. Another blow could knock her out.

Aedan grimaced, unable to look away. He gripped the fence of the wooden circle like arena, gritting his teeth.

Kaida tried to buck Cain off, her arms still covering her face. All Cain did was laugh and stand. "Get up and fight!" he yelled.

Aedan knew he couldn't help her. This was her fight. Interfering would be dishonorable.

Kaida struggled to her feet, spitting blood at her opponent. She had a black eye, making it difficult for Aedan to see her brown eyes.

She brushed her long brown hair out of her face, taking up a stance. Cain continued to smirk at her.

Aedan knew what would happen next. Cain would swing at her as hard as possible, catching her throat. Then he would pull her to his chest and snap her neck. That was Cain's way of punishing intruders.

Aedan cringed when he saw the giant swing. Kaida saw the attack coming and ducked under his arm, jumping on his back.

The crowd went silent again, then began to cheer the girl on. Aedan joined in, smiling as she repeatedly crashed her elbow against Cain's head.

He tried to spin her off, but she only tightened her hold around his neck. She bought her leg around to kick him in the stomach. Cain groaned as she hit a bit lower.

The giant stumbled, Kaida continuing her strikes with her elbow. Aedan's wide smile faded when he noticed blood trickling down her head.

No, no, no. Kaida, keehp fightin'. Ya've almost beahten him. Aedan mentally pleaded.

As if reading his mind, she did just that. Cain gave in and fell over, causing Kaida to roll off of him.

The crowd went silent. Aedan cheered for her, causing a smile to spread across the victor's face.

She won. She beat the unbeatable. The girl had potential.

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