Act Six: Stress-Out

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"Makoto, you need to stay away from Naoto and his little sister!" Mina exclaimed. We were in the Command Center and nobody was happy, especially me. I was sitting on the chair, my arms and legs crossed and my eyes narrowed. "We know he seems like a nice guy-" "On the outside." Rei added. Mina nodded. "-we can't take any more chances." she concluded. "Ugh! You guys need to take this down a notch! Naoto and I are simply friends! I've met his family and they're amazing people. I think you guys are overreacting! Usagi is the only one who isn't suffocating me with all this crap!" I retorted. They all looked towards Usagi. "What? Is it too much of a crime to give him a chance?" she asked. Rei groaned. "This is your problem, Usagi! You're just too nice!" she shouted. Usagi's eyes narrowed. "I rather be too nice than super cruel." she retorted. The two stared at each other for a few moments until Usagi crossed her arms. "I think you guys are just being jerks to both Mako-chan and Takahashi!"

Rei rolled her eyes. "We're trying to protect her from inevitable heartbreak!" she said. This time, I rolled my eyes. "Naoto. Isn't. A. Threat. Get it through your thick skulls." I said, standing up. "Mako-" "No! I've heard enough!" I snapped at Ami. "When you guys stop being such jerks, I'll start listening." I said and began walking away. That's when I felt a hand grab my wrist. "Makoto, you can't just walk out of here!" I heard Mina shout behind me. I yanked my hand out of hers, turned around and got real close to her face, our noses merely inches from each other. "Watch me." With that final comment, I made my way up the stairs and left.

I can't believe them. I understand they want to protect me, but they're suffocating me! I rubbed my temples as I walked down the street. I love them, but they can be such a pain when they want to. I sighed and crossed my arms. Naoto isn't a bad person, nor is Nephrite. He didn't have that dark aura he did when he was under Beryl's control. This time, it was warm, gentle and welcoming. I couldn't help but blush a bit. I hope he found the other generals. It had been a while since I've seen him. "Makoto!" I heard a familiar voice shout out. I turned around with a bright smile as Naoto walked up to me. "You gave me and my sister quite the scare! We couldn't find you anywhere in the school." he said. I rubbed my neck bashfully. "Sorry. My friends needed me after I finished my work." I said. It wasn't really a lie.

I suddenly felt dizzy. "Makoto?" he asked with a concerned tone. I wanted to say something but I couldn't form any words. "Makoto!" he called out, but it sounded far away. I felt myself falling and then two warm arms catch me. "!" Naoto's voice was fading away along with my vision. I tried to hold onto consciousness but it was fading too quickly. I faintly felt my body being shaken and something, wet on my cheeks. I forced my eyes open again and was able to see Naoto clearly. He...he was crying. I forced my hand to touch his face and wipe his tears. "Stressed-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I was pulled into a deep slumber.

I slowly opened my eyes but there was something blocking my vision. I put my hand on whatever was over my eyes and removed it. I blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. The thing in my hand was a damp washcloth. I slowly sat up and looked around, realizing I was in my room. I rubbed my eyes groggily, trying to recall what happened. Before I could, I heard a loud thud from my living room, making me jump. "My brother wouldn't dare hurt her! He contacted you and brought her here, remember?" a familiar voice shouted. Oh no, I knew who it was and who she's arguing with. "He's probably trying to make himself look like the hero but in reality drugged her!" I heard Rei shout. "Rei! How can you say that?" Usagi shouted. I couldn't help but groan, my head was pounding and them yelling was not helping.

"Stop taking this so lightly!" Rei shouted at her. I sighed and slowly stood up, my head pounding harshly. "I have to agree with Rei." Minako said. I leaned against the wall and made my way towards the door. "This is stupid! We literally allowed you to search him and this apartment thoroughly and you still accuse him of drugging her!" Kaede exclaimed. I got to the door and braced myself for the upcoming confrontation. "I don't know what I've done to make you guys hate me so much! I tried to be kind to all of you but only Tsukino-san and Makoto has accepted me!" Naoto said, much more quieter than the others. I opened the door.

Everyone stopped shouting and looked at me. "Makoto, you shouldn't be up, you have a high fever." Naoto said, walking over to me. That's when Minako pushed him away. "Don't go anywhere near her!" she shouted. Naoto raised his hands as a way of backing off. She put her hands on my shoulders. "C'mon, I'll help you back to bed." she said softly. I resisted her gentle push and walked around her. I walked up to Naoto and put my forehead against his chest. I could feel tears well-up in my eyes. "He didn't do anything to me." I said sternly. My shoulders began to shake. I was frustrated with them. The dam broke.

"He wouldn't do anything to me! Kaede wouldn't do anything to me! They're amazing people and you three are just too blind to see that!" I exclaimed. I sniffled and hiccuped as I sobbed hysterically. "Why can't you be like Usagi? She gives me space, she understands, she sees the good in people!" I shouted louder. I could hear a few gasps and they sounded hurt. However, I just wanted to let go of everything. "If you're going to keep accusing Naoto of hurting me, then leave! I'm tired of arguing with you!" I said.

There was silence and then footsteps. I then heard the slamming of my door. I kept crying into Naoto's chest, my arms at my sides. I then felt two arms wrap around me. I knew it was Naoto. I returned the hug and wept harder. I then felt a third hand on my shoulder. I turned my head a bit and saw Usagi with tears of her own but had a smile. "Don't worry Mako-chan. They'll come through." she said softly. She then looked up at Naoto. "Take care of her for me, okay?" Usagi asked. He simply nodded. She gave me one more smile before leaving. I cried for a little while longer until I was able to calm down. I broke the hug and furiously wiped my eyes. "Thank you." I said with a sniffle. Naoto smiled and gently rubbed my head. "Anything for a friend." he said. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around and saw Kaede. "I'm sorry this happened Makoto. We didn't mean to get in between you and your friends." she said softly. I shook my head. "I know."

Kaede gestured towards the couch. "You should lay down. You still have a fever." she said. I nodded and shuffled myself onto the couch. I sunk into the plush cushions and felt my body relax. Naoto sat in the seat next to the couch and Kaede walked up to me. "I'll make you some tea. I saw that you have chamomile tea." she said. I nodded as I closed my eyes. There was a moment of silence. I was dozing off into another deep slumber when I heard Naoto clear his throat. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Well, maybe glaring would be better. I was super tired. "Do you know why your friends hate me? Aside from Tsukino-san." he asked. I sighed. "You look like the guy who broke my heart some time ago." I answered. It wasn't a lie.

I heard a series of knocks coming from my door and groaned. It made my head hurt. I heard Kaede sigh loudly. "Did you seriously invite them over?" she asked. Naoto stood up and sighed. "I didn't have much of a choice. I was supposed to meet up with them today and kinda forget to tell them what happened." he answered. Kaede face-palmed as Naoto went to the door. "Tell them next time, to knock quieter." I grumbled. "Naoto! Open the door!" a voice shouted. I grabbed a second cushion and put it over my head, groaning loudly. "Junzo, be quiet! What if this is the wrong apartment?" another shouted. "Kazuya, would you let me handle this?" the first voice asked. I could hear Naoto groan. "Just let them in." Kaede said. "Does he have to?" I asked grumpily. "Junzo, you're already doing a terrible job." a new voice said. "Oh shut it, Ziro!" the first voice exclaimed. I heard the door open and then silence.

"You guys are by far the biggest idiots I've ever met."

-End of Act Six-

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