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It was a Sunday afternoon and Kise was now finishing his cleaning activities. Since he doesn't work, he does all of the cleaning and cooking. Kise quit his modeling career after him and Aomine got married. He couldn't become a basketball player at all because of his leg. It got worse and eventually had to stop playing in his college years.

Just say he's your typical house wife, just a boy version of them.

He was to busy cleaning that he didn't even realize that his tan husband had walk threw the door. Kise turned around and greeted him with a small smile.

"Good afternoon Aominecchi!" Kise walk up and kissed his cheek."You're home early,".

"I got off early," he simply said and went straight too his room.

That made Kise frown. Him and Aomine had been marry for 5 years now and Aomine has been acting kinda weird. They don't talk like the usually use to talk, at dinner they won't talk at all, not even look at each other. Aomine doesn't even tell Kise he looks beautiful anymore, which pisses the blonde off.

Kise never ask the navy hair guy about this and don't even think about asking him. He thinks it just a stage he's going threw and will get over it soon.

Kise just sighed and finish his cleaning for he can now prepare for dinner.

° ° ° °

After dinner Kise prepare for bed. Aomine was now taking a shower.

"Aominecchi I was thinking we should do something tomorrow since you're off!" Kise yelled.

It was silent for a moment until Aomine finally answer back.

"I was call in! Maybe next time," Aomine answer.

Kise just sighed and pull up his pj's pants. This was Aomine third time giving him that same answer and it was really annoying him now.

He walk towards the dresser and place his earrings on the dresser. He looked in the the mirror then look down at his wedding ring. It felt like yesterday was the day Aomine place this ring on his finger at there wedding, but start to feel sad when he remember the way Aomine has been acting.

Daiki just didn't know how much he was hurting Kise at all. When Aomine doesn't come home Kise will cry himself too sleep like a baby. He always like to snuggle with him at night, but every time he do snuggle against him he would push Kise away and yell at him about it.

Kise was starting to think that Aomine found somebody else, but refuse to think like that.

He knew his Aominecchi still loved him, it was just something Aomine was going threw right now.

"He's just been stress out a little I guess," Kise whisper.

° ° ° °

The next morning Aomine didn't even bother waking Kise up. He just put on his work uniform (he's a police officer) and left there house. He pulled out his phone and dial a certain someone number.

"Hello? Yeah i'm on my way right now. No he doesn't no where i'm going he was sleep when I left. Alright I see you when I get there," Aomine hung the phone up and got into his car.

He drove off to the unknown destination.

He looked down only to see Kise caller ID popping up on his phone. Aomine bite his lip and turn his phone off. He knew what he was doing was totally wrong but didn't care about it what so ever.

He had to admit that he felt guilt lying to Kise. He sighed and pull up in a unknown drive way. He got out the car and made sure the door way lock.

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