Your P.O.V

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'What the ?!? NATE!' You thought to yourself. "NATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at Nate. I ran down the stairs and Jack and Mark followed. Then all of a sudden Dan and Phil come out of nowhere and just pop up. Phil was whispering to Dan. I ship them so much. I have to talk to Phil today and Dan tomorrow. I continued to walk back to the principal's office because they were told that they had to stay with me. There was someone following me. But who? Was it Dan, Phil, Mark, Jack, Or even Robert. You look behind you. It was Robert. He tried to make it seem like it was nothing. He pulled his hoodie over his mouth and blushed slightly. To be honest he seems like a good kid. I kind of like him... Then again I also like Nate... I hate my indecisiveness. I wonder what my brother would do if I brought some of them home. IDK though. (HEH GET IT?? No.. Ill go home.) I really want Ice cream. 'Maybe.. well no.. Never mind.'  I Don't want to ask right now. If one of them asks then ill think about it. 

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