Chapter 1

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"Oh, come on!" Jasper yelled in disbelief.

"I'm serious! He fell through our floor!" Charlotte replied. "There I was, just doing my homework in my room, when suddenly, 'crash!'" She threw her hands to indicate the extremeness of the situation.

"I heard my Uncle Rosco yell, and when I got to the living room, all I could see was a Rosco-sized hole." As soon as Charlotte and Jasper entered through the glass doors of the school building, Jasper immediately let out a cackling laugh.

"Oh my gosh!" Jasper screamed as he approached Charlotte's locker and leaned against the one adjacent to it. Hearing his sudden laughter, Charlotte flashed him a furious glare. He instantly cleared his throat to indicate the regret he had for reacting with such insensitivity.

"I mean, oh my gosh! Is he okay?" Jasper corrected as he grabbed his heart exaggeratingly. Charlotte, then, shot him another one of her notable 'Charlotte Looks' that could send shivers through a poor fella's spine.

"He's fine, thanks for nothing. He's still in the hospital. Luckily, all his body fat absorbed the blow when he fell, so he hasn't done a lot of damage. But he'll be staying there overnight."

"Man, he should have laid off the jumping jacks." Jasper crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his back against the locker, with the sole of his foot propped up like one of those cliché cool guys in the movies. Catching some guys around Charlotte, he immediately tried out one of those 'Charlotte Looks' and sent them walking the opposite direction. After what happened before, Jasper definitely didn't trust any other guys around his best friend, especially those who linger around and chuckle when her back is turned. As much as Jasper loves Charlotte, he admits that his over-protective character can go alittle out of control. But he cannot, and will not, have a repeat of last year.

"Dude! He's trying to lose weight! I don't blame him for at least trying. I mean, you've seen my uncle,"

"Char, all of Swellview has seen your uncle, if you know what I'm saying,"


"Kidding!" Jasper said as he defensively threw up his hands in surrender. "Look, I'm just glad he's doing okay, and I mean it. Swear. But let this be a warning," Charlotte grabbed her AP Biology textbooks from the lockers. Suddenly, a glimpse of a torn-off corner pasted in her locker caught her eye. She forgot how much of a little piece of the picture could still linger in her mind, sending bittersweet memories of the past. No matter how small that corner stuck to the locker's wall was, she remembered the picture so vividly, as if it was yesterday when--

"Charlotte? Earth to Bolton?" Jasper nervously asked as he waved his hand in front of Charlotte's face to gain her attention. Suddenly, she snapped out of the trance the cursed corner has put her in. The flailing and snapping of Jasper's fingers inches from her nose forced her to grab and yank them away from her peripheral vision.

"Cut it out!"

"Damn, sorry. I was just trying to talk to you, but it looks like there's something more interesting in your locker than me." Jasper slightly pushed Charlotte aside and took a peek inside her locker to see what initially lost her interest in her best friend. After seconds of just shifting his eyes from the left to the right, he knew what was up, and sent a smirk to his petite brunette.

"Charlotte..." His finger landed on the corner that kept Charlotte's mind busy.

"...what?" Charlotte nervously played with her sleeves as Jasper stared her down.

"I know you're still thinking about him. He really hurt you, Char. You need to let go."

"Don't you think I would if I could? It just - - It still...hurts." Charlotte bowed her head down until her eyes landed on her boots, and let out a single tear, which took a blow to Jasper's heart. He swung his arm around his petite brunette and pulled her closer until her head landed on his shoulder.

"Char, I'm really sorry. But you really need to move on. The more you think about what could have been, the more upset you'll become. And it hurts me to see you so sad over something that wasn't your fault. It just happened. Don't beat yourself up over this."

Charlotte let out a heavy sigh, with her eyes still glued to her boots. I really need a new pair, she thought to herself.

"Look, remember what I told you?" Jasper released the petite from his comforting embrace and turned her around to face her.


"I don't care; I'm saying it." He slowly picked her chin up and his eyes met hers. "You're perfect, Charlotte. The only mistake, was that he missed out on an amazing girl."

Charlotte chuckled at her friend's words and wiped away the tear that had already dried up. "You're such a dork,"

"But I'm your favorite dork."



"Kidding! Sounds familiar?"

"Wow. That hurts. Here I am, trying to mend a broken heart, and you're just bringing me down. Right there, on the ground." Jasper angrily pointed right where Charlotte's boots were. She let out a laugh as just closed her locker door and walked beside Jasper to AP Biology.

"By the way, you need a new pair. Those puppies have been holding up since freshman year."

"Ugh, tell me about it. I never have time anymore to go shopping. I'm literally submerged in all my work. From the Language, Information, and Math Program, to--"

Jasper suddenly cleared his throat.

"Ugh, I mean, LIMP. I have student government. There's the school dance that I need to plan. I am swamped, Jasp." Charlotte slumped her shoulders and held her forehead in exhaustion.

"Whoa, Char. You're not Superwoman. You can't do it all. You need some free time. What about this Saturday? What, are you scheduled to build houses in Africa?" Jasper eyed Charlotte before stepping into the Biology lab.

"Jasp, don't be crazy...that's next weekend."


"Okay! Geez, sorry. And, yes. I happened to be free on Saturday, in case you were wondering."

"Perfect. You, me, the mall. We need some time to ourselves. And if you ask me, your feet are just crying for help. I'll get you a new pair, my treat." Jasper nudged Charlotte and sent her a smile.

"Aww, thanks dude."

"What would you do without me?"

"I try not to think about such horrid circumstances." The pair laughed as they entered their first period classroom.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for a short introduction. You guys can expect Henry to come up in Chapter 2. I'm just in love with Charlotte and Jasper's friendship. Anywho, I hope you guys are liking my fanfic so far. I'm gonna try, emphasize TRY, to update regularly. If not tonight, then tomorrow for sure, especially because of the spring break and all. Until chapter 2, Jessy out ✌🏾.

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