Short Short Stories

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Hello there everyone!!! Welcome back to Random Stories! I know I said I would update every Wednesday, but I also procrastinate. Something you should know about my updates is I usually set a due date, but I never actually publish them until the next day or something. It's just something I've gotten into a bad habit about. I apologize in advance for any late updates. Anyways, today is a collection of three short short stories. These are like the short horror stories except they are any regular story you want to tell. They can be scary or they can be from fantasy to non-fiction. The plot is totally up to you. However, the same rules apply: a minimum of two sentences, use as few words as possible. With that, I'm finally done talking. God bless y'all! Let's go!


                     Unopened Box
The diamond ring has remained in its unopened box for many years.

                    Free From Death
As the old man lied in his hospital bed, preparing his will, the doctor walked in to tell him he wouldn't need it.

             Secrets Kept By A Mirror
A mirror tells stories; some are happy and some are gruesome enough to leave bloodstains on that mirror.


Hello again! I really hoped you guys enjoyed these short short stories! I didn't really like the titles, but I'm pretty satisfied with the stories themselves. I know the past two (and only two) updates have been really short, so the next one will hopefully be up in time. I'm not going to spoil what it is, but tit is one of my favorite things to write! I love the design that you get to put into it and just let them creative juices flow! I apologize for any typos, I almost didn't update this on time so I was rushing a bit and didn't check over it like I planned to. Hopefully, next time I'll be able to check and get rid of any typos. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Love y'all! Praying for y'all! God bless!

As always,
Keep skippin closer to Jesus!
With love and prayers,
Skippy :)

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