She is broken

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"When someone you love leaves you, no matter how they go, it leaves a hole in your heart a hole no one can fill because no one is ever going to be the same to you you can never love someone the same way you loved them". -anonymous

I gazed in wonderment down at the giant city I once called home. The twirling lights appeared like stars against the blackness of the night. I would miss this place. I would miss the hectic traffic, the cute shops, I'de even miss the grumpy old teachers that were do awful to everyone. I am going to live with m uncle who lives across the country. "Ma'am would you like a drink." The flight attendant said sweetly. "No thank you." I said smiling politely. By plain was always my favorite way to travel that is before the accident. The reason I liked plains was the fact that I could sleep through the trip, but now sleep is what I dreaded most. Sleep brought the nightmares,all the awful memories...No I won't think about it ! I put my headphones in hoping to find escape in music. But inevitably I had to go to sleep. And against my best efforts the nightmare returned.


I am running I don't know why but I know it's important. As I turn the corner I see him my father the only person who has ever cared for me crossing the street as a taxi can speeds up and is about to collide with him. "No!" I yell but he doesn't hear me. Of only I could reach him if only I could push him out of the way or or anything. I sprint towards him but the faster I run the farther he is. And then the car hits him and it's like the world is in slow motion. And as soon as the taxi driver gets out I reach him and look down to see my father I sink down to my knees and sob "no... NO... dad...DADDY NO "I scream the last part realizing I'm being pulled away

*end of dream *

I am awakened by older gentle man sitting next to me I look into His eyes and see nothing but pity. I think that's the worst part if it all is the pity.i don't want to be pitied by total strangers. Mine feel like they do to have the right to pity me they so to know me or what I've been through ,and I know that this sounds cruel but, I don't need there pity I need my dad and I don't have him.


Hi I'm Maggie and this is one of the first stories I've done like this so thank you for reading and any constructive criticism is welcome please if you like it share it and comment and I'll post again if I get 5 likes ok bye

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