Part XII: Aurelia

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It was an important day for Sibyl. She had gotten much rest for the important person arriving today. Sibyl was dressed in her finest clothes. It was light blue and very slimming, which was very needed at her age. Which was quite old.

The visitor was dressed in a white toga with a purple garment draped over his shoulder. He stood proud and serious. He looked angry from where I could see. I had placed my head on the bottom of the curtain which Sibyl hid behind. Around his square head rested a golden crown. It was simple and elegant.

"Aurelia, lift the curtain please," Sibyl said from behind. I turned and looked in amazement. This man had good fortune. Sibyl never let another see her face except for her handmaidens and me, of course. In all the long years I have been at her side, she never showed any wish to show her face to the populace.

"Are you sure, Sibyl? Remember what you told me."

"I am very confident that this man will not drag me by the hair like Alexander did with my predecessor," she looked at me with these pleading eyes.

I sighed and made my way to a rope hanging on the side of the curtain. I pulled and the curtain slowly rose in the air. The man and the soldiers to his sides raised their heads as Sibyl came into view. I moved to a dark corner and looked over them in the shadows. I was ready to protect my old friend.

"I welcome you. What is the question you need the answer to?" Sibyl said in a strong, clear voice.

"I have read your manuscripts, Oracle. What do you mean by them?" The man said, forcefully.

"I believe the answers were all there." Sibyl looked at the man straightforward.

The man stepped forward, "No, they are not all there. What will happen to Rome?"

Sibyl sat there, not saying a word. The man's face was turning a red color in anger. He was pacing back and forth.


"I apologize. I cannot answer that question."

"How dare you!" the man screamed. He pointed his finger at her and yelled to the two soldiers, "Capiet eam*!"

I leaped from my hiding place jumping in front of my friend. Sibyl had gotten out of her chair, and was moving away from the floor. The soldiers came at me with two gladiī. One slashed at me and I blocked it with the sword at my side. I jabbed the hilt into his side. It brought him to his knees in pain. I followed with a fist to the face. His companion came at me with a stick that held a ball with spikes on top. The chain wrapped around my sword, he pulled it towards him, laughing. He thought the sword would go to him. He was wrong.

I vaulted over him, and brought my sword down. It swung the soldier over my head and into the stone wall at the other end of the area. The man in charge now joined the fight himself. He aimed his gladius at upper part of my chest. I dodged and stepped into the circle of battle. Stepping in and out, our swords met and classed in a storm of metal. I could hear yelling from Sibyl behind me, but I could not make out what she was saying.

The man pushed down on me and I had to step away. I ran at him and leaped into the air. I turned around and aimed at him. His eyes widened in fear. That is when I heard Sibyl's voice ring out, clear and stern, "He is your Imperator**!"

My mouth opened in the air. I quickly brought my sword away and rolled to the ground. I kneeled before him and said, "Forgive me, my lord. I did not know you." I looked into his glaring eyes. I looked away quickly. He turned away from me, focusing on Sibyl.

"Oracle. Does the Imperium Romanum*** fall?" He said forcefully. Sibyl sat and leaned back into her chair. She stayed silent, refusing an answer. That was always a dangerous habit, but it was admirable. No one else I had known would allow that behavior. The look on the Emperor's face did not allow that behavior. "Answer! It is your duty."

"The legacy of Rome will never fall." was the simple answer Sibyl gave.

The Emperor smiled in triumph. The guards had woken up from their deep sleep, and were staring around. They scrambled to their feet as they saw their leader walking out the area. As they passed me, they bowed a little. That was kind.

No one other than I knew the true answer to the Emperor's question, and it was not the one he wanted to hear.

*Take it


***Roman Empire

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