The Library

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Hermione's POV

I started walking to the library. it was really dark tonight. I got the library and walked to the restricted section. I found 3 people sitting there. at first I panicked and then realised that is was just Draco, Pansy and Blaise. I walked over and sat on Malfoy's lap. He have me and very hard and passionate kiss. We stopped after a few minutes because pansy went into a coughing fit.

"So what are you guys doing here?"

"Well since your getting the mark as well. We decided that we all needed to talk."

"About what?" I asked.

"About everything." Blaise answered.

We talked about getting the mark, about the dark lord and about me an mMalfoy We also talked about the four of us being ffriends.

At four we left and went to our dorms. when I got to my room I collapsed on my bed and feel asleep straight away.

The day I got up at 12 again. I owled Malfoy to see if he was in class. He owled back saying he slept in as well. He asked me if I wanted to go to his dorm. I started walking that way after everyone was in class. Malfoy meet me out side the sytherin dorms. he lead me to his dorm. he sat on his bed. he started to kiss me hard and passionately. One thing lead to another.....

(Im not going to continue with that bit)

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