chapter 2 the video?

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I got a video from someone i watched was adam kissing another girl i cryed and cryed i didnt answer any of his calls or texts. I heard the door bell i went and it was ty one of adams friends he wanted to kniw why i was talming to sky or anyone i showed ty the video and he asked if i knew who sent it i said no it was a unknown number he started to hug me in confort he told me to text adam the video and let him explain.later that day i did what ty told me i asked him what the hell he said he didnt know who took it but he said last night hus ex girlfriend came to his house Md started to kiss him he didnt want to he tryed to fight but he couldnt.i forgave him and ever thing was fine we graguated coullge and we went on to get married and have a kid.

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