What are you doing?!

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Me: so Marlton you think everyone will like what we made

Marlton: of course they will elexis *blushing from thoughts*

Me: I hope they will because we did work hard on this

Richtofen: so vhat did you make

Me: cupcakes

Richtofen: OOOOO GOODIE~

Marlton: don't tell anyone now go away

Richtofen: *walks out of kitchen happily*

(Warning a little sextual contact but not too much....I hope)

Marlton: *grabs elexis' waist while blushing*

Me: MARLTON WH-*gets cut off by Marlton covering my mouth*

Marlton: sorry I couldn't take it anymore you too beautiful

Me: well you didn't have to do that *gets out of Marlton's grip and grabs cupcakes out of oven*

Misty: so elexis how's the cupcakes

Me: how did you know I made cupecakes

Misty: Richtofen told everyone

Me: *facepalms* now that its out there CUPECAKES ARE READY!

(Stuhlinger, Russman, Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, Nikolai all came in and sat at the kitchen table)

Me: *gives everyone a cupecake and sit down and eats mine*

Marlton: hey elexis

Me: yeah?

Marlton: I think we did pretty good on making these *winks at her*

Me: *blushes slightly* yeah I know smart pants

Misty: *death glares elexis then goes back to eating*

Me: I feel full so i'm going to bed

(Btw it's night time)

Marlton: so am I *gets up and walks to room*

(Everyone went to there separate rooms and they all went to bed)

(Sorry but going to leave on another cliffhanger I got lazy writing Stuhlinger, Russman, Nikolai,  And Takeos lines cause most of the time they are being quiet or sleeping well sorry again about leaving on this cliffhanger)

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