Chapter 6 The beast's view

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We went into the Forrest and walked faster then normal because we both felt like we were being watched the all of the sudden a boulder brushes past my face and hits Nate square in the head sending him flying off into the distance I turn to see a man with our powers
"You don't belong here"
He said with an evil look my voice changed as I got angry that he was wasting our time
"I'm not here to fight you let us pass and you don't have to die here"
I threatened
"A little punk like you kill me keep dreaming little boy I'm gonna squash you like a bug"
He lunged forward with rocks and boulders attaching to him making a bulky armour.

I back off and then a burst of flames courses through my body and a heavily protect armour forms around me and my swords reappear and I draw the two broadswords from my back and prepare to fight this monster, he lunges forward swinging at me but missing as I jump behind him slashing the air causing waves of flames to form and into his armour revealing his neck I back of waiting for him to attack again, he turns around and creates a hammer out of the ground around him and swings it towards me hitting me through multiple of trees only pissing me off further.

I put my swords away and another pulse of fire rushes through my arm and a my armour reduces to lightweight armour except my arm which was now extremely protected I run back toward the rock beast to find Nate opening fire against it but doing nothing the monster grabs a tree and throws it at him knocking him down and pining him on the ground I jump out and get ready to fight
"Hey idiot wrong way I'm over here come get me already I'm waiting".
I said

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