i have no clue if this is even counted as poetry, but i didnt feel it was random so i put it under poetry.
i would like to talk about school i suppose, well more of my ''role'' in that place, these days on social media especially u see a lot happy girls always smiling, laughing so much it would just be unreal to see them without their ever so happy aura. i have to say i am one of them but that would be the case just in school.
in school im also very loud, and when people ask me why my first thought was always '' Because i want to be heard". now i dont know why i never said it. i suppose because it was too deep to fit in with my happy-go-lucky personality.
But its funny because i always told myself and other people i never cared about they what thought or said about me whenever i did some stupid or annoying thing which i tended to do a lot of times. yet i'm such a hypocrite, because i do. but i guess i hope if i tell myself it a lot times it will just come true.
i don't even know why i'm typing all of that, i wish i was like one of those people who pour their endless, pain, anxiety, depression or sorrow into such a beautiful string of words that would be so pleasing to everyone else's eye but here i am sounding more like a complaining 5 year old brat instead. but thank you for at least reading all that crap.