Groupchats / Chapter One

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@sigh.levi : Guys it's literally tomorrow we reunite and meet the boys!!!

@sigh.drew : I know omgjwjsjsjjsjsjw!

@sigh.nate : omgggggg have you guys write letters to give them?

@sigh.levi & @sigh.drew : obvssss!

@sigh.nate : don't forget to put your numbers & @s on them

@sigh.levi : shit yehhhh

Heyyy I'm Elisa , so I have a fan account like any other fan girl out there. I have a lil online squad of friends who I met at a concert one time and now we reunite at every concert we all seem to go to.
Ill introduce them.
@sigh.levi is me (Blonde, bottom left) , yeh I know I'm a Levi jones girl I fell for his good looks and goofy personality, my bad.
@sigh.drew is Beth (ginger top right) , she's my altime internet friend, couldn't live without her I met her at the tides first fan fest in Birmingham and we met Drew together. Totally ship her and Drew.
@sigh.nate is Dove (dark brown top left) , she's a massive nate girl, a sucker for any guy who plays drums, she's a proper skater girl or wears caps , pretty much any guy would fall her her!
& then there's @sigh.austin (classic tumblr , bottom right) , Ally the one who's always sleeping , she loves Austin so much and she actually met him in the streets once and they hit it off so I totally think him and her will end up together besides he gave her his personal snapchat not knowing she was a crazy ass fan girl with a while Instagram account dedicated to him lmao!

So yeh there my friends! The tide concert is this Sunday ! And we're all so hyped. Also we got VIP tickets so we all going to meet them too which I'm pretty nervous for. I've met nate and drew before but not my one true love, lmao I wish!

"ELISA" I heard my Brother, Harry, shouting.
"What?!" I replied.
"Are you getting ready or not?"
Oh shit yeh! It's today! I'm reunited with my best friends and meeting the tide today! What the hell! What do I wear? What makeup should I do? Am I having a good hair day?

I run to the bathroom and take my disgusting retainers out and immediately brush my teeth for 3 minutes. I put all my usually jewellery on. I go downstairs and grab a cereal bar and sit down in front of tv in the living room with my mom on the other sofa.

"Are you excited for today Elisa?" My mom asked.

"Of course I am, I'm meeting Levi!" I replied excitedly.

Once I finished eating and got myself some water. I stroke my puppy dog Oakley & walk back up to my room.
Right now I have to chose what to wear. I open my wardrobe and grab out my black ripped jeans and threw them on my bed. I then go to my draws to see which top to wear, I go for my Metallica Cropped shirt , I decided to go abit adventurous and put my fishnet tights on underneath. I shut my door to look at the mirror on the back of it to see if I looked decent.
I grabbed my phone and look a few mirror selfies to send to the group chat to see if it looked good.

Ally: omf yes Levi will love uuuu!
Dove: ISJWJWIIW yes Elisa xox

Okay looks like I'm wearing this. I also go with my adidas superstars. Typical I know. Sorry not sorry.
My makeup is very natural . Little bit of foundation, concealer, power, but of contour, get that highlight, small winged liner, mascara and nude matte lip. I simply just brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. And there's me done! I'm just so excited to get to the venue even though we're just gonna sit outside in the queue for hours. But ill be with my friends so it's fine!

I got in my dads car ready to take me to the train station.

"Are you sure your going to be fine?" My Dad said to me whilst I get out the car.

"Yes I'll be fine in 18 Dad" I swear he still thinks I'm 13.

"Remember platform 3 , get off at 3rd stop" he said concerned.

"Got it" I replied "byeee have funnn" I waved.

"Bye" he said not impressed.

I walk into the train station & ive still got a few minutes before my train arrives so I decide to go into the little shop inside and have a look around. I grab myself some water and a little snack for my train ride. I also see this cute key ring with a guitar on it so I decide to but that too mane give it Levi. The train should be here any minute now so I make my way up to the platform and lean on the brick wall waiting for it.

To Beth:
Getting on the train now, should be about 20 minutes xx

From Beth:
Okay! I'm waiting on your platform! So excited to see you! I'm with Dove and Ally xxx

To Beth:
Yayyy! Ok! See ya ! Xxxx

While I'm waiting to arrive I put my earphones in and play my Tide playlist. Not gonna lie I'm going to cry if they play reason to stay. Ill give melt in Levi's eyes lmao! Also I'm gonna scream and jump all over the place when they play last day of summer.

The train finally pulled up at Birmingham train station and i ran off and called Beth.

"ahhhh im off the train! where are you?" i said into the phone.

"right ahhhh! " she screamed "I CAN SEE YOU! LOOK RIGHT"

I look right and there they are Beth, Dove and Ally in person on the other platform. The railway tracks between us. We all look away and run to go up the stairs and over the bridge to reunite. All i could think about right now was reuniting i couldnt care less about the working business people around us. I aw her finally and we both picked up our speed and ran to each other! We hugged so hard we almost fell into a man!

"OMG hiiii" i said.

"HIIIII AHH" she replied.

After about 20 minuites of us all hugging and chatting we ran to the venue to meet some of our other friends.


Hope y'all like the first chapter! I know its pretty boring but its just to get the story going. Itll be good once the girls meet the boys & all fall in love lmao!

JJ xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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