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Claire awoke to a pounding on her door. The doorknob fell off and rolled across the floor, and she stepped on it to stop it going any further. She ran to the door to make sure that it didn't open. But unfortunately, she was too slow. It swung open just as she was reaching for it, causing the vase to topple over. Luckily, she was quick enough to catch it before it hit the ground.

Claire found herself staring into cold, dark eyes. She gasped.

"Monsieur! You must learn to knock! I could've been naked for all the matter!" She cried.

The man, who was quite handsome, with his dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and sharp jawline. He looked her up and down, causing his heart to beat faster and his blood rush. Not necessarily to the right areas either. She was gorgeous. Claire started intently back at him.

"Oh, wrong room," he said and walked out briskly.

"No apology? No 'excuse me' or 'pardon me'?" Claire said angrily, "So much for manners!"

Claire cocked her head as she angrily watched the man walk away. LeFou appeared from around the corner, looking slightly scared.

"Good morning, LeFou," Claire smiled.

"Good morning, Claire, how did you sleep last night?"

"Perfectly fine. Thank you."

"Care to go get some breakfast?"

"Breakfast sounds wonderful. I'm starving!"

They walked to the bakery together and got some croissants.

"This is a small village, does anything exciting ever happen here?" Claire asked.

"Well, about three years ago, there was a girl. She was the most beautiful girl in town. And then there was a man. He tried to force her hand in marriage, and she refused. He was never the same after that. He became meaner, and colder. He won't let anyone in. He's afraid he'll hurt his damn pride if he ever got rejected again, so he became a stone cold monster," LeFou explained.

"Oh my. What happened to the girl? Is she still around?"

"See that castle up there? Way up high in the hill?" LeFou said pointing.


"She married a prince. She's a princess now,"

"Well that's wonderful! And the man? What happened to him? Is he still here?"

"Indeed. If I were you, I'd stay clear of him," LeFou warned.

"He's really that bad?"

"Yes. Please, Claire, do me a favor and stay away from him. For your own good and his," LeFou pleaded.

"How will I even know who this terrible man is if I haven't even gotten his name yet?"

"LeFou!" A voice boomed as the sound of hooves pounding on the pavement.

"Oh no," LeFou groaned. "Hello, Gaston."

Stone Cold | Gaston | Luke EvansWhere stories live. Discover now