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SCARLETT DAY BIT HER LIP harshly, trying to overcome the insurmountable need to throw her boiling hot coffee onto the person in front of her. Despite her need to keep secrets, it didn't mean that Scarlett was about to keep her mouth shut as the man in front of her spit in her face.

All the young woman wanted to do was get a pretzel and cheese from the food truck outside of her apartment complex, but a raving lunatic who believed the end was near stopped her from going to the stand. Scarlett had a cup of coffee in hand, ready to go to work, but now she was torn between drinking the cup or dumping it onto this crazy man.

His rant was long and Scarlett didn't want to hear much of it but the word: aliens, their fault, and world ending made her blood boil with rage.

Why were people so judgmental of what they could not perceive. Most other worldly creatures were amazing and could do wonders to Earth and the progression with technology alone excelled.

She hated the world she lived in. She wished she could live somewhere else where prejudice for who someone was did not exist.

She walked away from the crazy man, coffee still in hand.

Scarlett realised that she would need it for the long day at work she had ahead of her.

º º º

AFTER SUPERGIRL SAVED THE WORLD, AGAIN, the D.E.O applauded the superhero as she flew back into the building landing gracefully in front of the crowd. Scarlett ignored the dramatic entrance as she entered the room herself, going to her own desk.

Scarlett sighed, sitting down at her desk at the D.E.O, finally glad to be back in the building and away from humans. Sure, she was a human, but the lack of compassion some people showed towards aliens was nerve-wracking. That's why she kept her private life— and her brother— a secret. She knew that the prejudice against other world creatures was too great, and if anyone knew about her brother, Scarlett was putting him at risk.

That's why Scarlett rarely talked to anyone. She came to the D.E.O and did her job and would go home, to her tiny apartment. Her only friend was her brother, Josiah.

"Excuse me, Ms. Scarlett Day?"

Scarlett looked up from her desk, wondering who the hell was talking to her. It was known around the D.E.O that Scarlett Day didn't like to associate with people. Especially if it was early in the morning. 

She was surprised to see a new face in front of her. It wasn't Supergirl or her boss.

He was dressed in a button up top, a tie, and a cardigan. The young man obviously was nervous as he stood in front of her, hands twitching.

"And you are?" Scarlett asked dryly, hoping to get her point across that she didn't want to talk to him. She didn't want to suddenly become a nice person— even if it was for someone cute.

"I'm Winn Schott, I'm friends with K– Supergirl, and helping you today."

"What?" Scarlett froze at his words before looking him up and down. First of all, he didn't look like a tech geek (just badly dressed) and two, who the hell thought she needed help? Was it because she took a day off this weekend?

"Did they not tell you?" Winn asked slowly in realisation. He noticed her frown immediately and knew that Kara was one to do some last second changes.

"No they did not."

Scarlett walked away from the young man, leaving him awkwardly to watch her leave in a busy room where he knew no one. She knew that she was over reacting, maybe, but she was not about to lose her job.

"Um okay, I'll wait for you right here..."

º º º

SCARLETT REALISED GOING STRAIGHT TO Hank Henshaw's office may have been an overreaction but she had already knocked loudly on the door.

"Come in."

Scarlett pushed the door open, revealing the organised room inside where her boss sat comfortably in his chair.

"Scarlett," he seemed surprised to see the young technician in front of him. Maybe because she never talked to anyone. "What can I help you with today?"

"Am I getting fired?" Scarlett asked bluntly, sitting in the chair across from her boss. She felt nervous being in this office as she hadn't stepped foot in it in years. That's how good she was at her job.

"What? No, why would you say that?"

"Because you have an outsider helping me suddenly. Am I not good at my job?" Scarlett bit tongue as she wanted to rant about it being because she was black and that a white guy possibly was a better fit— but it was Hank, right? It wasn't that. Maybe it was just because this new guy knows Supergirl.

"Yes you are, Ms. Day."

"Then why do you need him?" Scarlett felt hurt and humiliated.

"That's classified, I'm sorry, Ms. Day." He looked apologetic but didn't say anything else, his hands clasped on top of his desk.

Scarlett was hurt. She had worked her for more than a year and excelled at her job and now this new guy was classified?

Scarlett excused herself, walking back to where she left the cardigan wearing man and sighed as she found him twirling around in her spinning chair. He was like a child.

"So, I guess you're working with me."

Scarlett had managed to scare the man as he happened to fall from the chair but gracefully popped back up onto his feet.

"Uh, great to hear?"

"Sure," Scarlett said curtly. "You will work beside me but you do not get to touch my computer, only the other computer. We only talk about the missions going on and not about our personal lives, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Winn, right? Have you worked with these programs before?"

She was going to have a hell of a day working with this guy but she knew that she had to be somewhat nice to him.

Scarlett just hoped he wasn't gonna stick around forever.

º   º   º

wow i finally published this chapter after it's been in my drafts for over a year! i hope tinkertaydust doesn't hate me and i hope people are still interested in this story!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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