Chapter 1: The Abandoned Girl

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His hostile red eyes stared into the partially closed hazel eyes of the new born child that laid on the bed in front of him. He glanced down at the child's left wrist. A small, red scar in the shape of a lightning bolt appeared the moment he cast the spell on the child.

His anger kindled. It should have worked; she should be dead.

Raising his wand; he cast the spell again. The green light hit the child directly and illuminated the room. He looked at the child in the eyes waiting for them to fully close. They never did. Instead, the child's eyes opened wide, and she opened her mouth and began cry. The child's cries increased along with the wizard's anger. Why wouldn't she die?

And why did he feel weaker?

"Fine." His snake like voice pierced over the child's cry. "I'll leave you to die."

The wizard left the room. Alone, the child continued to cry until she was picked up and gently rocked to sleep.

"Shhhhh, dear child. We're going to take care of you." The woman took her outer robes and wrapped the child safely in them. Leaving the run-down house with the child in her arms, the woman walked down the lane and was greeted by a white bearded man.

"I told you to wait for me, Professor McGonagall," Albus Dumbledore spoke sternly. "It isn't safe."

"I can take care of myself, and the child was crying. When I saw the flash of green light from a distance, I thought I was too late."

"Did he see you?"

"No, I hid in the bushes."

Professor Dumbledore smiled.

"Everything is well then."

"Well, Sir? He tried to kill this child."

"But," Professor Dumbledore began as he took the child from McGonagall's arms. "She is alive."

Dumbledore began to walk down the lane to head out of town. Professor McGonagall followed quickly behind unable able to meet his pace.

"Sir, how is she alive?"

"Ah, that is a question that I cannot answer now." He looked down at the child. "All we can do is be thankful that one life has been spared at his hands."

"What are we going to do with the child until she is older? It is obvious neither her mother nor father want her."

Dumbledore stopped to look at McGonagall.

"When I discovered that her mother was pregnant, I found a muggle family that is willing to adopt her."

McGonagall raised her eyebrows.

"A muggle family? Sir, do you think that is best? This child is different than other wizarding children."

"And that is why she should be raised by muggles. She will be raised without the knowledge of who she is until it is time."

"Is that best?" McGonagall lovingly stroked the child's cheek.

Dumbledore looked at the sleeping child in his arms. He cleared his throat. "It is the only solution. The child must be raised away from us. Away from her parents. When it's time, she will come to Hogwarts."

McGonagall wiped the tears from her cheek and raised her hands to take the child from Dumbledore. "I can take her, Sir."

Dumbledore gave McGonagall the child before they both apparated.

They arrived at the end of a street. McGonagall noticed the street sign read Tibet Ln. The rode was empty with few housed along the road—mainly fields of grass, trees, crops, and livestock. They walked slowly down the quiet street until they reached a house that read number 14.

"This is it," Dumbledore said as he lifted the child from McGonagall's arms and walked to the door of number 14 Tibet Ln. Taking out his wand, he made a basket appear before he laid the child in it. Then he took a letter from his robe and laid it on top of the child before they left the house.

Tears flowed down McGonagall's cheeks as she watched the professor leave the child she had come to care for in a short amount of time. Dumbledore wrapped his arms around her shoulders as they walked away from the house.

"Do not cry, Professor," he said. "We will see her again."

McGonagall shook her head.

"In the meantime, I received an owl from Sirius Black. The Potter's had the son today. They named him Harry."

McGonagall raised her eyes to meet Dumbledore's. "Are the Potter's safe?"

Dumbledore turned to look at number 14 Tibet Ln.

"For now. As long as Sirius keeps the location of their home a secret, they will be safe to raise their son in peace."

"Do you think that's possible?"

Dumbledore took his arm from McGonagall's shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"I don't know, but, for now, we should celebrate the lives of the young witch and wizard that have joined our world today."

With this statement, Dumbledore and McGonagall left the newborn witch with the lighting scar at number 14 Tibet Ln with no idea who she was or the world she came from.  

Cassandra Porter: The Girl with the Lightning Scar Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now