Day One

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His feet skim the ground, not having the strength to even pick them up as he walked. It wasn't because he was weak, but more because he was going to die. Eighteen days is all he has to live, to love, to be free. He had accepted it though. Mason Rivers will go freely with out a fight. This is what he thought to himself as he walked to his favorite spot. He could see it coming into view. A small, ugly broken bridge. He loved it. It was such a nice place to sit and think, and possibly cry. Mason had been planning on enjoying sometime alone, without family hovering over him, reminding him what was going to happen. That's not what was going to happen though. As soon as he got close enough he seen her. He had to stop. She was beautiful. Her hair was extremely short in a light pink pixie cut. She was wearing skinny jeans and a to big t-shirt. He couldn't see her eyes but he knew they were beautiful also.  Mason had zoned out staring at the beauty fixing to jump. He was jerked back into reality by her pericing blue eyes looking dead into his.


Her eyes skim the rocky water below. She could feel her heart contract. She wasn't scared, not even close. She was just ready to die. She was out of time, and she would go freely. She was standing on the edge of a small ugly-broken bridge that could crumble at any moment. She heard feet skim the ground, but considered it her imagination and leaned closer. The feet got louder then stopped. Journey slowly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the noise. A guy stood there with dull, like they were dying, blue eyes, pitch black hair and perfect fitting clothes. He seemed to jump when he noticed she seen him. He scratched his head sheepishly and took a step towards her.

"Stop right there. I don't want to be saved, and not by some boy who will say he cares especially."

Mason surprised by the words coming out of her mouth takes a step back. That's when he registered what was going on. His thought race with a way to approach her gently.

"Well if you're here to kill yourself, then I'm not stopping you. I just want to relax in a place I always go."

She glares at him and faces the water.

"Well turn around, so I can jump without your prying eyes."

He turns his back and takes a deep breathe.

"Before you go though, I would like to tell you, I'll just see you in a couple weeks and I'm going to laugh at how  much you regret it."

Journey spins around to Mason furious. He didn't know her. How would he know if she would regret it. All the doubt then rushes back to he,r and she's coming back off the edge. Mason hearing her steps turns around.

"See that's the right....."

He's cut off by her slapping him. She then starts to walk away, dreading for when she gets home.

"Wait. I wanna talk to you."

She stops for a second.

"Why so you can treat me like the rest do? Show me a little kindness then set me right back on the edge of the bridge? Well what is it?"

Smiles at her, and walks to stand in front of her.

"No I actually want to know your name. Also, if you wouldn't mind since I can't really talk to you long enough to know you, maybe some of your story?"

Journey looks around then back at him.

"Exactly, I don't want to tell you nothing if your just going to vanish from my life in a couple day, so good bye."

Mason laughs softly before turning and walking towards the bridge.

"How about you give me eighteen days, starting tonight, to give you a reason to live?" 

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