Chapter One: Inspiration

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Francis Bonnefoy sighed, tired from his travels. Finally he was in Germany, and hopefully he would find what he was looking for. Proper inspirations for his book and paintings. In France he was having a most terrible case of writers block, and it plagued him. He had heard from quite reliable authors and artists he knew, that Germany was an exceptional place for what he was looking for. And what it day it was! Getting from France to Germany was no sort of trouble at all, but the airports and getting settled at an apartment in Berlin was the real trouble. But for now, he was entering a quite interesting cafe, titled "Schlange Cafe" and it had cozy choices in furniture along with many terrariums filled with creatures. Francis stood in front of the counter looking up at the menu, but no one was out to take his order.
"Uh...Hello? Is anyone there?" He spoke into the empty cafe, and a man came out from behind a door and behind the counter.
"I am sorry. How can I help you?" The man was tall, blonde with slicked back hair, and had the most entrancing as well as piercing sky blue eyes.
"Oui-I mean Ja...I would simply like some French vanilla coffee....and maybe a croissant if you'd please..." Francis sighed, and then his eyes widened quite comically realizing how he sounded like french trash. But the man didn't seem to judge or care.
"7.89 is your total." Francis quickly fished it out in change, knowing the Germans prefer cash much more than most, and sat himself down at a table. He pulled out his laptop and continued typing up his work, he didn't even notice when the German came over with his coffee and croissant.
"Sir, your order..." The German simply grabbed Francis' shoulder, causing the smaller man to jump.
"Oui...I apologize for not noticing..." Francis spoke, ruffling his own hair in embarrassment. 
"It is all well....are you from France? You are sounding....French."
"Oui. Did my order or my accent give it away?" Francis chuckled, looking up at the quite muscular other.
"Both actually....what're you doing here in Berlin?" The larger man asked, folding his arms to show his perplexing expression.
"See, I am an artist, but an author at the same time. I don't know if you've heard of me, maybe, but most people that read my literature are usually...well quite obviously French. My title is Francis Bonnefoy."
"Interesting...have you come for a specific study or land mark you wish to write or inspire your art with?" Ludwig asked, pulling the chair across the table from Francis out a bit.
"You've already said it. I came here for inspiration. Go ahead and sit down, and perhaps we may chat about such subjects." The German nodded, and dropped into the seat, sighing.
"Is there anything you're looking for? I could be of some help...." Francis looked at the man and smiled.
"Perhaps after I've done a little research on what's around...maybe that is something you could assist in...." The German nodded right away, and pointed out the window of the cafe.
"Over there. Berliner Fernsehturm. It's a landmark you may want to visit. You should write these things down, but they're probably available via internet too. There's the Berlin Cathedral, Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Berlin Wall, Museum Island, Topography of Terror, and Holocaust Memorial. But doing a little exploring can help find some pretty interesting things too." Francis nodded, jotting these names down quickly on a little notepad.
"Well thank you! What's your name?"
"Ludwig Beilschmidt."
"Thank you Mr. Beilschmidt. If you don't mind me asking, what're you into? Surely this cafe isn't all you strive to accomplish..." Ludwig chuckled lightly at this.
"Nein. I'm saving for college so I can become an engineer. But it's a nice place to work in the meantime, and I get enough money to support myself, so...there's not much left to be said there."
"An engineer? For what, if you'd be so kind as to elaborate."
"I'm not...completely sure yet...but I'm thinking the auto industry. It seems like a good place for me, yet, there are some other opportunities that will present themselves that I may be better off taking..." Francis looked curiously at the German. He wanted to know more, for Ludwig was interesting, and perhaps it's not a landmark he's looking for, but a person, like Ludwig. A person as inspiration for his art and stories, what a perfectly delightful idea! Francis never usually interacted with others, often shutting people out to do his job. And when he did, they often labeled him as a pervert for his lewd humor. Hopefully he would not make a mess of this friendship.
"Well. Mr. Beilschmidt, will you be here tomorrow? It's late right seem to work the late shift, but maybe I can buy you some coffee...and if you're could show me around?" Francis said, as if to shield himself from an approaching blow. But he did not get hit or messed with. Ludwig looked back at him, face stoic, but eyes warm.
"Ja...are you free around four thirty pm?" Francis smiled and nodded.
"Oui! That, I am. So you are wishing to help me?"
"Ja...I think that's fair...I've never actually met an author before...that that actually publishes real books. It could be an interesting experience to help you with your tasks at hand." Ludwig nodded, putting his elbows on the table. Francis took a sip of his coffee and a bite of his croissant, smiling. It was beneficial for him to have connections, especially in a new place. Hopefully, he wouldn't ruin this friendship with his humor, for it would plague him to lose someone.
"Merci Beaucoup! That is tres bien! I am impressed with your conclusions, but I am very tired now, and must retire to my apartment." Francis chirped, closing his laptop, which he returned to his bag, and grabbing his coffee and croissant while standing up.
"It was nice meeting you Mr. Beilschmidt, and I am enthusiastic to see you tomorrow." Francis said, shaking hands with the firm German.
"Ja. I have the same feelings. Please try to be on time, and have a good as well as safe night." Ludwig nodded watching Francis leave.
"Goodnight Mr. Beilschmidt!" Francis said, exiting the eccentric cafe.
"Gute Nacht...Mr. Bonnefoy...." Francis heard him say as he left. The frenchman bounced with excitement as he walked, for he like new places, and a new friend was a sight for him to behold. He returned to the apartment complex feeling warm. The cafe had warmed his spirits, as he was feeling tired and cranky before then, dealing with the stress of moving into a new country. He went into his home, and closed the door, finishing his croissant and coffee, to which he threw the empty coffee cup in the trash. He went to his bed, pulling his laptop out again, and deleted all that was previously typed. He had a new start.

Lilly was a German, who often liked spending her days drinking coffee and watching the Berliners walk by on the streets. Lilly soon started making up stories about these people, and gave them names and backstories, for if she were to ever approach one and talk, she would compare their real names and stories with the fake ones she had made herself. She soon learned she was testing the nature of humans and how quick they are to make judgements and guesses just based on the way people carry themselves. Lilly was not a judge mental person, but was fascinated with how her stories and the true ones compared. One day, another woman stopped in the same cafe, for she was parched and wanted some coffee. The woman sat next to Lilly, and remained quiet for moments until Lilly spoke.
"Is it not interesting how quickly we can make judgements and backstories for people?" The woman looked at her inquisitively for a moment and nodded, giving a light laugh.
"Indeed. For we assume we know them, but people can actually be quite different than how we view them. I find, that I try to know and remember as many people as I can, hoping they will remember and be influenced by me too. Everyone in your life makes some kind of difference, no matter how matter how big..."
"My name is Lilly. I should like to get to know you."
"My name is Angela. And I would love to do the same, and hopefully impact your life as a friend."

Francis yawned, shutting down his laptop. He was most certainly tired, and was excited for meeting up with his new friend. Ludwig seemed very interesting and inspiring to Francis, and getting to know him could greatly improve his inspiration, as perspectives are varying throughout people, and the perspective of an engineer compared to that of an author? Could, and most likely would, be peculiar, yet enjoyable. Some of the experiences would indeed be trying, but Francis liked it here now, and tomorrow he would go, and see some of the city...with Ludwig.

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