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May 12, 5:03 am

It was the day of the field trip, and everyone was waiting outside the school doors at around 5 in the morning. It was cold, dark, and everyone was tired. I walked around the crowd looking for Ten, Mark, but mostly Yuta. I opened my phone;


where r u?

Next to the boys' locker room

I walked around to the back of the building where the locker rooms and found no one.

"What the hell" I started walking towards it when;


"AHHHH WHAT THE FU-" I turned around and see Yuta, Ten and Mark right behind me. They all started laughing while I stood there shook, and triggered.

"What the hell! It's like 5 in the morning and I don't wanna waste my energy on stuff like this." I crossed my arms.

"Haha, sorry, Hana." Yuta came up to me and put his arm around me, trying to make eye contact with me. I gave up. I couldn't hold my smile in anymore and laughed with the others.

The fancy ass bus finally came and we all sat down. I sat with Yuta while Ten and Mark sat in front of us. The bus ride was going to be a total of 9 hours, with a stop every two hours, and breakfast and lunch.

When we first got on the bus, I put in my earbuds and closed my eyes. Waking up in the morning is not my style. And since I could, I went to sleep, well I tried to. Isn't easy when you have Haechan screaming and singing the whole time. Little while after I closed my eyes, I felt someone lightly tilt my head until it rested on something. Hold up, didn't Yuta just move my head to rest on his shoulder... o damn. I pretended to not know and continue sleeping, but my chest was pounding and my whole face felt hot.

7:24 am

A couple of hours later, we stopped by at restaurant to eat. It was pretty cheap, but we had to pay for our own food. As soon as we stopped, the shoulder I was leaning on moved, and I was left with nothing to put my head against. Aish, I guess he really needed to piss. I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them, trying to focus on my surroundings. Ten and Mark turned around to look at me.

"Look who's tired." Mark said.

"Shut up... you were sleeping too..." I said back.

We all got off the bus and entered the restaurant. My group and I had our own little booth for us. I liked being separated from the rest of the class. They were all obnoxious and loud. Ten and Mark sat across from me, leaving the seat next to me for Yuta. Ten went to order first, then Mark.

"Are you Yuta's girlfriend?" I looked up to see a waiter with a plate of food in his hands.

"Uhh-" What did he just say? And how does he know Yuta?

"Well, I assume so, you're the only girl here." He laughed. The fuck... He set down the plate in front of me. On it was a small stack of pancakes with chocolate drizzle and a scoop of ice cream on top (my favorite ><), some bacon on the side, scrambled eggs on the other side, and a bowl of fruits in the corner. Then he set down a glass of water and left.

"Hey how did you get the ice cream on top? It's not on the menu when I was ordering at the counter." Ten said jealous.

"Dang that's one expensive dish." Mark said, after coming back from ordering. A few seconds later, Yuta came down and sat next to me smiling.

"You like the food?" he asked me.

"Yeah! I love the ice cream on top! But I haven't even payed for it yet." I looked at him and he pretended to look out the window, trying to hold back a smile. Wait a minute...

Yuta's POV

I know she always tells me "no, don't buy me anything," but I can tell she secretly likes it. Well, I like buying stuff for her. It makes me feel like a man, along with the fact that I kinda like her......there's nothing wrong with liking her right...?

Hana's POV

"Yah! Did you buy this for me!?" I asked, happy but upset at the same time. Why is he always trying to buy stuff for me? It's a waste of his money.

"Yeah" he turned to me a smiled like a little kid.

"So that's why you left first. Aish, you're gonna run out of money by the time we get there if you buy me anything else." I said, digging into my pancakes.

After a few minutes, everyone's food came and we all ate deliciously. Mark became one of my close friends after just talking to him for a little. He's such a nice person and cares a lot for people <3 Oh, can't forget his amazing laugh.

8:12 am

Mark, Ten and I were the first on the bus while Yuta went to the bathroom.

"Hey did you know that Hana likes someone? Someone from this class." I heard Ten say to Mark.

"Jinja!? Who!?" Mark asked.

"Why don't you ask her." Ten said smirking. They both turned around to me and I glared at Ten before rolling my eyes.

"I don't like anyone jeez." I said, trying to hide it. Just then Yuta came and sat down next to me.

"Yeah you do! He's in this bus right now!!" Ten said excited for drama to begin.

"aissshhhh leave me alone, Chittaphon." Yuta looked at me and smirked.

"Oooo, Hana has a crush on someone~" Yuta teased.

"Yah! Shut up!" I snapped back and looked away, arms crossed.

"So salty," he laughed. "is he... in our group?" he asked, trying to look at me.

"I aint sayin nothin" I pouted and stuck out my tongue.

The teasing continued forever, and it didn't help that my face was red the entire time.

A/N: sry its really cringe worthy.  i'm trying my best i really am ><


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