We drove. It's all we did. The rain got harder and the tension between the both of us has gotten weird all of a sudden.
"Hey you ok?" Said Keagan.
I stopped looking out the window and looked at him for a brief second. And looked down my lap.
"Do you think we could stop."
He laughed." That's a little impossible right now mini nerd, were in the middle of a highway."
She bit her lip lightly." I meant with what's going on between us."
The smirk left his face as he pulled over to the side and stopped the car.
"I've imposed too much and too long. Austin, Nathalie, Avery and even you. You broke all tied with them because of me and I can't let it keep going."
"Anna what are you saying? "
" Keagan, all you do is fight. Fight for me, fight for jealousy! We aren't even together yet somehow me sitting here right now is hurting, now I'm just regreting."
"Regret about what?!"
"Everything! All because I was stupid in love. From day one it felt off. It's like having the body but with no heart. And what good would that be? I've digged myself deep in this problem."
"So your saying you also want to break ties with me!"
"Keagan your mistaking my words, I don't want to do this anymore! Can we just stay as friends?"
Keagan unbuckled his seat and opened the door and slammed the car shut. Screaming and cussing, it was all heard from inside the car.
Anna got out of the car and saw Keagan croutched a few paces ahead. She carefully made her way to his side as he covered his face with his hands.
"Is it because of my anger problem. Do you feel in danger when your around me?" He sighed." I promise to get better, but please don't end this."
Anna closed her eyes and bit her lip, as she shook her head trying to miss his guilt face.
The rain hid her tears pretty well as he got up and walked back to the car. He quickly got in and drove off as she stood there looking at the direction the red Cadillac left.
The rain started to get soft. Already soaked to the socks Anna made it back to familiar area. As she knocks on the door not 3 seconds flat did it open wide and a pair of arms wrapped her in a big hug where her tears she held in poured down."Sweet Jesus Anna I'm so glad your ok what happened."
"I stopped it. What we have is over."
"Come inside and take a warm shower. And explain to me everything."
"I heard Avery confess to me yesterday. And not two seconds later he comes in. They faught and what Avery said to him got me to realise, that what we had was only based in affections. In the end he didn't take it too well."
"The sick prick left you in the street in the bloody rain! The nerves of him"
"Sarah enough. I don't want to be reminded of that walk from there to here!"
"Well after your little disappearing act, they went crazy looking for you. I called them and told them you walked all the way over here already craving for some coconut pancakes."
They both laughed as Anna tilted her head to the side and pouted.
"Fine fine I'll make you some."

sex lessons From my sisters boyfriend
Teen FictionI Anna Ramírez always had a crush on the hottest boy at school but when your super pretty older sister Natalie is dating him things turn out to be awkward when he decides to "teach me things."