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Corey read the letter, his eyes brimming with tears. He never expected this. He looked over the words she had written. They were from the heart - why would she lie to him? He wished that he had known this from the beginning. If only...

He had hoped that she would say that. But why would he want to ruin his friendship with this girl? He had never asked her in order to stay friends with her. And when she didn't say anything, he had given up hope on her. He had dated all these girls. Maybe it was out of spite - he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he enjoyed himself with Katy. She made him forget about his worries.

Maybe he could have had a future with Katy. He thought he could. But now Adele came along. She poured out her heart and soul to him in this letter. She spoke her mind. And now he was stuck between them.

Of course, it didn't help Adele and Katy hated each other venomously. They were so different - like fire and water. Corey wasn't sure whether he could compare them as they were exact opposites.

He took in a deep breath and decided. He decided to go up to Adele's house and tell her in person. It didn't feel right if he told her on his mobile.

But he had something else to do first.

Corey folded the letter into the right pocket of his jeans, grabbed his jacket from the cupboard under the stairs and sprinted out his front door. He slammed the garage door open and dragged his bike outside onto the road. He pushed off from the roadside, not looking back.

+ + +

Corey rushed through the maze of alleyways until he reached Katy's flat. It wasn't so much a flat as a huge, grand apartment which towered above the city, delivering magnificent views to all that lived there. Corey chained his bike up. As he fumbled with the bicycle lock, he realised that he needed to calm down in order to look partially sane. He fought for deep breathes instead of shallow ones and made his way into the reception hall.

He shouldn't have. Corey realised this as soon as he saw Katy also walking into the hall. With a man on her arm, whispering words into her ears. Corey didn't need anyone to tell him that he should walk away. He did that himself.

+ + +

Could Corey really go into a relationship that quickly? If he had been at school or college he would have remained single. Just for people to say that he wasn't a player, or something similar. But as he was going to university he could do as he pleased. But should he? He didn't know. No-one did.

He couldn't go to Adele's house now. It didn't seem to be the right thing to do. Neither did lying on his bed, shocked into silence. Where should he go? His or hers?

He cycled to the house he chose and let himself in. He walked up the stairs silently, the sound soaked up by the fluffy carpet under his shoes. He let himself into the room he chose and sat on the bed, opposite the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Adele walked in from the en-suite and screeched.

"Shh!" Corey whispered. He hugged her and murmured, "Of course I'll go out with you."

Then they stayed in silence, enjoying the moment while it lasted.

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